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HomeFood and DrinkList Of Probiotic Foods For A Super Healthy Diet

List Of Probiotic Foods For A Super Healthy Diet

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host when administered in adequate amounts. Consuming probiotics is considered safe for gut health. Your body contains a good amount of healthy and harmful bacteria. When you accumulate a good amount of bad bacteria and cause infection, the good bacteria knock off all the unhealthy bacteria and maintain the balance of your body. In simple words, probiotics are live bacteria or yeast that live in your body naturally and increase their number from probiotic food.

It would be best if you were amazed that probiotics are primarily present in your body to keep you healthy and safe from infections and diseases; they are also known as microbes. Your body has its microbiome of trillions of microbes in the form of viruses, protozoa, fungi, and bacteria. You have a unique microbiome, and every human has different microbial cells.

Most commonly, probiotics are found in your gut; they are always present at several other locations of your body. They host good microbes such as skin, lungs, urinary tract, vagina, and mouth, which continuously contact foreign antigens. Probiotics support your immune system and control inflammation; it naturally protects your body from infections and restores your body’s balance from the inside to make you feel better; this act keeps happening all the time in your body. You need not consume any supplements to develop good bacteria. Consuming a fiber-rich, balanced diet daily helps increase the number of good bacteria at proper levels in your body.

What Is The Impact Of Probiotics On Digestive Health

Probiotics are loved for their excellent benefits for digestive issues. It is safe and effective for people and helps deal with the below-mentioned issues:

  • Colic
  • Constipation,
  • Ulcerative Colitis,
  • Lactose Intolerance,
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
  • Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome,
  • Constipation and
  • Crohn’s Disease

Probiotics help in relieving diarrhea. It reduces harmful bacteria and replenishes the good bacteria, which are suppressed with antibiotics. It is effective in preventing diarrhea both in adults and children.

Consuming probiotics makes it easier for your body to get rid of the stool easily and quickly as probiotics lower the pH levels in the colon.

Whatever you eat must be digested healthily. Consuming a probiotic helps you absorb protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients from the food in a better way.


It is the most common digestive issue across the population. People try several medicines to get rid of this issue. Probiotics are considered best; the live bacteria are naturally found in fermented foods and sold as supplements. When it is consumed, it enhances the microbiome of your gut. In a meta-analysis published in July 2017 in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, researchers found that taking probiotics improved constipation in older adults by up to 40 percent.

Lactose Intolerance:

Probiotics have played a vital role in rescuing digestive issues such as lactose intolerance. Probiotics reduce lactose concentration in fermented products such as yogurt and increase the enzyme’s activity, which breaks down lactose that enters the small intestine with fermented products. A study published in June 2019 in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition found an overall positive relationship between probiotics and lactose intolerance. However, some strains of probiotics were more effective than others.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD):

Probiotics do not cure IBD but assist in alleviating the symptoms. People who consume probiotics have found a reduction in the symptoms such as bloating and constipation. Still, success varies from person to person. It may produce the result on one person and not on the other. A study published in May 2018 in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine found that probiotics may help rebalance gut flora from inflammatory to anti-inflammatory. However, more research is needed on what strains and dosages of probiotics can help IBD.

Probiotics are tiny microorganisms that provide several digestive benefits and improve nutrient absorption. It is safe for people to consume probiotics daily to enhance the appearance of their skin, boost energy levels, freshen their breath, support healthy weight management, and support nutrient absorption. It also helps in reducing fatigue and maintaining blood sugar levels.

Digestive disease experts recommend probiotics as different strains of bacteria have different effects. Several pieces of research have been promising for this friendly and potential benefit of probiotics in the treatment or prevention of several diseases such as Eczema in children, pouchitis, recurrence of bladder cancer, infection of the digestive tract caused by clostridium difficile, urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and ulcerative colitis.

Probiotics support a healthy body system from the mouth to the gut and help control harmful bacteria.

Impact On Weight Loss

Probiotics are natural and fermented food good for your gut health. Incorporate probiotics in your daily diet for better immunity, healthy gut, and weight loss. It contains good and bad bacteria; the good bacteria helps in the absorption of protein, vitamins, nutrients, and breakdown of fiber in the body, which essentially helps in reducing fatty acids and cholesterol and also helps in taking fewer calories from the food that you consume, ultimately it allows you to stay fit and in shape. Let’s read further to find how probiotics significantly impact weight loss.

It Suppresses Appetite:

One of the best impacts of probiotics is that it induces satiety. Certain probiotics with bifidobacterium release the essential hormone GLP-1, which reduces your need, keeps you full for a longer time, and helps burn calories. Bifidobacterium present in probiotics helps digest the fiber and other complex carbohydrates that the body cannot digest on its own. On the contrary, it helps prevent further weight gain, maintain weight, and manage obesity.

Reduced Absorption Of Fat Is A Significant Breakthrough.

Probiotics play a vital role in the digestion and absorption of fats. Certain strains of probiotics help reduce the amount of fat absorbed from your food, which also affects the total calorie consumed and results in weight loss.

A study found that certain strains of the lactobacillus family can help you reduce weight and belly fat. In one study, eating yogurt with Lactobacillus fermentum or Lactobacillus amylovorus reduced fat by 32.4% over 6 weeks. In a study of 125 overweight dieters, the effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus supplements on weight loss and weight maintenance was observed; women taking probiotics lost 50% more weight over three months than those taking a placebo pill; they also continued to lose weight during the weight maintenance phase of the study.

Lactobacillus gasseri shows the most promising effects on weight loss in a study of 210 people with a significant amount of reduced belly fat; taking Lactobacillus gasseri for 12 weeks reduced body weight, fat around organs, decreased body mass index, waist size, and hip circumference.

Other strains of probiotics also help reduce weight; in an 8-week study of overweight women who took a probiotic that included strains of both Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium or a placebo along with dietary intervention, those consuming the probiotic lost significantly more fat than those taking a placebo.

Probiotics have a remarkable impact on weight loss. Several strains of probiotics in the Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium family show a reduction in weight and belly fat, and lactobacillus gasseri appears to be one of the most effective.

COVID-19 And Probiotics

Probiotics are known widely for their unique health benefits; they work as an immunomodulator and allow your body to work with great energy. The coronavirus pandemic caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, which led to 109 million infections and 2.4 million deaths; this disease caused respiratory tract infection and chronic inflammation, which causes breathing difficulty in the patients. It’s highly infectious and transforms the virus into people without symptoms. Both symptomatic and asymptomatic viruses spread the disease faster; the common indications to the covid 19 are severe nasal congestion, diminished sense of smell, sore throat, body pains, and gut dysbiosis.

This Global pandemic hit people’s health even after implementing various strategies and drafting social preventive measures in public places. After taking all health measures, including personal hygiene, mask-wearing, and social distance, the infection was serious, and there was a rise in the death rate. Still, to date, there is no precise treatment for the covid 19 though the vaccine shots have relieved people and reduced its severity. Probiotics also play an important part in preventing virus adsorption. Probiotics are non-pathogenic living microorganisms that provide several benefits to humans and restore the human microbiome. It promotes immune deficiency, improving human health by lowering viral load in the lungs and enhancing survival rates.

Coronavirus affects human respiration, which is why probiotics came to the rescue; its consumption effectively enhances immunity. The human respiratory system is continually exposed to several microorganisms, which is why the virus develops on the mucosal surface.

The human body consists of a healthy set of microbes in the body that positively influence the human body. In a particular concentration, the probiotic strain of Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium captures the virus and interferes in the virus binding to the host cell receptors, which is beneficial to the host’s health. Thus human body microbiota benefits humans against respiratory viral infections.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is transmitted even in asymptomatic individuals or during the PR symptomatic phases of infection. A person may remain exposed for up to two weeks, transmitting the virus heavily with a high risk of infection. Probiotics in fermented food improve nutrition, boost immunity and restore microbial balance in the body. Some studies suggest consuming fiber-rich dietary meals with probiotics supports the immune system and prevents the adversity of viral infection.

Viral clearance and increased survival was the most expected result for the covid 19. For instance, one mouse model showed that probiotics promoted the influenza virus and cleared and neutralized antibody production via T-helper cells type 1 (Th1). As a result, the virus was cleared from the lungs and other sites of infection.

Another study showed that influenza fatality rates dropped from 100% to 60% when dead and live probiotics were administered and from 60% to 30% when the intranasal route was used.

Thus annexation of probiotic bacteria plays a vital role in improving gut microbiota, nourishing mucus micro sun barrier, and managing diarrhea Release of intestinal mucus and secretory antibodies like IgA effectively neutralizes the coronavirus attack; upon virus attack in epithelial cells, probiotic bacteria play a crucial role in antiviral immunity.

What Are The Signs You Need Probiotics?

Your digestive system plays a key role in keeping the body balanced, restoring the good bacteria for a good immune system and providing nourishment to every cell in the body from the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals absorbed. When your gut is happy, you’re incredibly healthy.

The probiotics maintain good bacteria in yogurt; they make enzymes to digest food and produce vitamins B-12 and K. It’s necessary to maintain healthy eating habits to support digestive health; else, your body will sign that you need to include probiotics in your diet, let’s read further with a more handy explanation of what are the signs you need probiotics.

Consuming An Antibiotic

It’s a common sign that indicates that your body needs a good amount of probiotic to back up the bacteria in your gut flora as a matter-of-fact antibiotic kills bacteria good or bad in your gut whether you consume it for two days in or a row, a few days back or even years ago you need to maintain the right balance of bacteria so that your digestive health may not suffer including other beneficial aids. So, make sure you flourish your gut with healthy probiotics.

If You Had Food Poisoning

While traveling, it happens a lot. There is a chance of bad bacteria entering your gut. You may become sick from something you have eaten while traveling, which is natural. You may feel sick as you feel bloated, have stomach pain, or are nauseous; all the symptoms indicate that you need probiotics to kill bad bacteria and increase the number of good bacteria in your gut.

Allergies And Asthma

Food allergy is the root cause of a troubled gut which can be improved by increasing the intake of beneficial bacteria. It has been found that probiotics reduce the severity of asthma symptoms along with medication. You can try probiotics to see if it helps reduce the severity of symptoms.

Mood Disorders

Your bad gut bacteria may cause depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders as the gut flora interact with brain neurotransmitters that control your mood to balance your mood disorder. Consuming probiotics with Vitamin B and E help improve kidney health as it plays a key role in mood regulation.

Weak Immunity

You may fall sick more often as your gut lacks healthy bacteria, which is a great cause of weak immunity. You may become more susceptible to various infections and viruses like flu, common cold, and urinary infections. You may always feel exhausted or tired at your workplace, which clearly shows that you need probiotics to restore your immune system.

Skin Issues Like Eczema, Psoriasis, And Itchy Rashes

your digestive health and skin are highly linked with the quality of your digestive system that appears directly on your skin, and digestive disturbances show skin issues; if you have a healthy gut that balances your skin, clear, glowing skin is a show of lovely microbiota in your gut that’s why a healthy gut is very important for your health, feed yourself with healthy fiber-rich diet along with probiotics. If you have a candida or yeast infection on your skin, please take action. It is a clear indicator that you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your body. The best way to bring it in balance is to crowd your tummy with healthy probiotics to eliminate bad bacteria.

Health Benefits Of Probiotics

Your gut needs healthy nutrients and fiber to function smoothly; flourish it with probiotics to maintain good bacteria, which checks foreign antigens in your gut and strengthens your immune function. Let’s read further to learn the various health benefits of probiotics.

Cures Diarrhea

It has been observed that probiotics play a key role and have positive results in treating diarrhea and another gastrointestinal disease. You may suffer from bacterial diarrhea due to bacterial infection, and overuse of antibiotics can also disturb your gut microbiome. Consuming probiotics reduce its frequency and the risks of antibiotics. It’s very handy to avail yourself health benefits of probiotics; they are easily available in your kitchen and at the grocery store.

Maintain And Improve Gut Integrity

Gut integrity is important for the healthy functioning of the body, but when this gut barrier is upset, inflamed, or damaged, it causes the leaky gut syndrome, which allows bacteria and other particles to pass through that wall but consuming probiotics strengthens the wall of cells in the digestive tract and allows only beneficial particles like electrolytes and water pass-through the intestines to the bloodstream. Sometimes a poor immune system, alcohol, or stress disturbs the gut integrity, so it’s fine to support your gut with probiotics to reduce inflammation and improve the stability of the gut wall.

Reduce Gas And Bloating

The great benefit of probiotic is it reduces gas and bloating; the development of yeast and food intolerance may imbalance your gut microbiome, which may cause irritable bowel syndrome. You can help your gut by consuming probiotics to balance the gut flora and crowd good bacteria, which helps in reducing gas and bloating.

Probiotics And Mental Health

Probiotics have evolved with several amazing health benefits. Consumption greatly impacts mental health; several studies and research states that the link between the gut and the brain is called

the gut-brain axis, which improves physical and mental health, help reduce stress and anxiety, and improves mental outlook. You can easily include probiotics in your daily diet providing essential nutrients your body requires. Many health benefits of probiotics are still to be discovered so that human health can avail maximum benefits from probiotics.

What Are The Probiotic’s Side Effects?

While experiencing anything new specifically with your gut, loads of queries may strike your mind and, most importantly, regarding side effects. In contrast, probiotics are found safe for consumption, but sometimes they may annoy your functioning and can cause the below-mentioned issues to let’s dwell further to find regarding probiotic’s side effects:


Some people may experience headaches as a probiotic side effect after consuming fermented food or probiotic supplement as it contains amines that can trigger headaches; you may not get a headache. Still, if you consume an increased dose of probiotics, you may develop this side effect.


It’s a very rare prebiotic side effect. There can be some changes in the bowel movements while consuming probiotics, stool may become too soft and increase bowel motility, but diarrhea is uncommon. In some cases, it could occur due to disruption caused to the gut microbiome when introducing new bacteria in the form of a probiotic supplement.


Probiotic food is known especially for improving bowel movements; however, certain probiotic strains may slow down stool transit time if consumed in higher doses; people who often feel sluggish about gut and bowel irregularities must avoid consuming probiotics in large amounts; moderation is the key to excel.

Stomach pain or bloating

While consuming probiotic food, your gut adjusts the microbiome, and some changes in adapting to the new bacterial fermentation can cause bloating and stomach discomfort. To get rid of this probiotic side effect, strains of Bifidobacterium lactis have helped reduce the severity of abdominal cramping and bloating.

Very rare side effects of probiotics are acknowledged. It is a gut-friendly food that allows your body to work smoothly and gain gut health. If any side effect is experienced, it could be due to new foods, certain medications, or other changes.

How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work?

Probiotics work effectively. It takes a day or two to showcase results in case of traveler’s diarrhea. Researchers stated that people found relief two days after treating themselves with probiotics. In a study of 60 participants with an infection of H. Pylori, symptoms of nausea and antibiotic diarrhea improved within 14 days.

People suffering from regular constipation experienced an improvement in stool consistency and bowel movement by the start of the second week after consuming probiotic-rich beverages.

How long it takes for probiotics to work depends on the symptoms and health issues. In case of bloating, flatulence and discomfort, probiotics showed improvement after 21 days of regular consumption as per the guided dose.

Probiotic consumption has proved beneficial for skin issues such as dermatitis or Eczema, and you may get flawlessly radiant skin after treating it with probiotic therapy for three weeks.

With several factors and symptoms, how long does it take for probiotics to work is concluded that it can take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks for probiotics to start working; you can expect to see changes within two weeks of starting probiotic therapy the result may vary from person to person as it ultimately depends on what’s going on with the person so don’t give up probiotic treatment quickly as it will take time to work on a very unhealthy gut, chronic stress, and a person who consumes a poor diet.

How To Choose The Right Probiotic For You?

Choosing the right probiotic depends on your requirement; they are effective for preventing and treating traveller’s diarrhoea, controlling Eczema, treating ulcerative colitis, are effective in antibiotic-related diarrhoea, and help soothe irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics like Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are safe and helpful in treating certain conditions. The effectiveness of probiotics depends on the strain and conditions. It is also found in foods such as yogurt and dietary supplements for various stress; choosing the right probiotic depends on you, as probiotics don’t work for every illness. It would be best if you matched the symptoms before choosing the right probiotic for you. Good probiotic works on the right microbiome; you must consult a doctor before supplementing.

Who Should Not Take Probiotics?

Before consuming anything, you must learn whether you should consume it or not. The properties of probiotics indicate it is safe to consume. Still, children and adults with fever and illness or weak immune systems should avoid using probiotics as these people have already suffered from bacterial or fungal infections. The National Center for complementary and integrative health states that probiotics are safe for those who are in good health as the bacteria may pose a risk to people with a weak immune system on other health issues, people may face a risk of infection, harmful substances being released in the body or antibiotic resistance it is always necessary to understand the need of probiotic so consult your doctor before taking any supplement or making significant dietary changes.

What Is The Difference Between Prebiotics And Probiotics

A prebiotic is a type of fiber the human body cannot digest. They serve as a portion of food for probiotics. The tiny microorganisms, including bacteria, are both probiotic.

Prebiotics and probiotics support helpful gut bacteria and help maintain a healthy Colony of bacteria that aids digestion and supports a healthy body. The prebiotic food that is rich in fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and probiotics are found in fermented foods such as you get sauerkraut and tempeh.

Top 71 Probiotic Foods List


It’s the most amazing superfood that provides vital nutrients to the body and restores the gut microbiome. It can easily be made from milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria, all friendly types of bacteria. It is a great source of top probiotic food.

Greek Yogurt:

It’s a probiotic-rich food that can be easily prepared at home by straining the yogurt. It contains a good amount of protein and fewer carbs and sugar.


It’s one among many top probiotic food lists. It is made by fermenting skimmed milk. And probiotic cultures, which are much similar to yogurt, contain low calories and fat and are high in protein and other essential nutrients.


In the family of probiotic food list, sauerkraut is sour, salty, and fermented cabbage which is highly probiotic. It contains a good amount of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants but is high in sodium.


Made by fermenting vegetables that also include cabbages, it is rich in providing lactic acid bacteria, helps in reducing cholesterol levels, promotes brain health, and boosts immunity. It is also a traditional Korean food staple.


Food can do wonders to our body. Tempeh is a fermented Soybean product. It is rich in protein and Vitamin B12. It is a great source of probiotic food, and it also serves as a popular meat substitute.


It’s a wonderful edible on the probiotic food list; miso is rich In vitamins B, E, K, and Folic acid. It is prepared by fermenting soybeans with salt and Koji, and its paste is also used in Miso soups.


It’s a drink made by fermenting black or green tea, sugar, yeast, and bacteria, known for its essential health benefits, including better digestion.


It’s fermented milk that contains multiple strains of friendly bacteria and yeast; this probiotic food’s consumption helps improve digestion and has antimicrobial and anti-cancer properties.


Lassi is a portion of amazing probiotic-rich food, a popular drink in India and Pakistan; lassi is made with fermented yogurt and fruits.


A wonderful breakfast or snack that fills your tummy with plenty of probiotics and provides loads of protein. Just blend your favorite fruits and vegetables with probiotic-rich yogurt for a healthy start.


It’s a probiotic package that mixes pickled vegetables, including carrots, celery, peppers, and more.

Pickled Onions:

It serves a great taste when eaten for breakfast or lunch. Pickled onions animate using the lactose fermentation method where lactic acid Bacteria is introduced in the pickling method; it’s a portion of great food is a probiotic food list

Pickled Beets:

Beets are pickled and fermented and contain probiotics, fiber, vitamins, iron, and more.

Pickled cucumbers:

When cucumbers are left to ferment in salted water using their natural lactic acid, bacteria are rich in probiotics and vitamin K.


Japanese fermented plums prepared from unripe ume fruit. Umeboshi may be served whole, in paste form, or stored in vinegar.

Traditional Buttermilk:

Traditional buttermilk is made from the liquid left over. After making butter, it contains probiotics.

Sourdough Bread:

 Wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria added to bread dough work as a leavening agent and may have probiotic properties.

Cottage Cheese:

Some types of cottage cheese are on the probiotics list, and when fermented with live active cultures, it becomes a probiotic food.

Cheddar Cheese:

The probiotic lactic acid bacteria used as a starter for cheddar cheese increases its shelf life and becomes probiotic food.


Healthy bacteria can survive the cheese-making process for gouda, making it a probiotic-rich cheese.


It’s lower in calories and sodium than other cheese, and mozzarella also retains healthy probiotics.


Sheep’s milk cheese is often packed in brine, and researchers think some types of feta have strains of probiotics.


Most cheeses are produced by fermentation, and that’s why it’s a probiotic-rich food.


Italian cheese contains both prebiotic properties and probiotic bacteria and is packed with calcium.

Raw Cheese:

The natural bacteria in raw or unpasteurized milk can stay alive during cheese-making as the cheese ferments.

Sour Cream:

Sour cream is traditionally made by fermenting dairy cream with lactic acid bacteria, one of the most common probiotics in food production. Sour cream offers several probiotic health benefits.

Fermented Fish:

Traditionally, fermented fish contains bacteria that provide many probiotic health benefits. It is considered best edible in probiotic food lists.

Trade Bananas:

The green under-ripe bananas are a good source of prebiotics, which helps in the growth of gut bacteria and provides several health benefits.


It adds good flavor to food and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It helps healthy probiotic Bifidobacteria grow in the gut, which helps in eliminating diseases. Garlic also contains antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

ACV is known for plenty of health benefits. It contains bacteria, but research is uncertain about its true probiotic effects.

Balsamic Vinegar:

It’s a probiotic food list item, Acetic acid is the main compound of balsamic vinegar, and research shows it contains strains of probiotic bacteria, which can improve gut health and the immune system.


This probiotic food list item is a fermented cereal drink made from malt, rye, flour, stale rye bread, and sugar.

Soy Sauce:

It’s a fermented food; soy sauce may not always be a probiotic unless specifically labeled as such.


Green, kalamata, and other kinds of olives are generally made via fermentation which is why they stand on the top probiotic food lists.

Dark Chocolate:

Research suggests that cocoa can affect gut bacteria similarly to probiotics.


It is a fermented soybean product containing probiotics. Natto is also a good source of protein and vitamin K2, promoting bone health.


Some cereal brands, including Kellogg’s Special K, offer products with probiotics added.


The saying goes well with this: an apple a day keeps doctors away. Research shows apples contain about 100 million bacteria, which can healthily interact with our gut microbiomes.

Green Peas:

Green peas may contain the probiotic leuconostoc mesenteroides.

Soy Milk:

Fermented soy milk may contain probiotics, and other soy milk products may be fortified with probiotics for extra health benefits.

Dairy Alternatives:

Nut-based milk and yogurts may contain live cultures. Just check the labels for Lactobacillus or other probiotic strains.

Herbal Teas:

Packed with antioxidants, some herbal teas are enriched with probiotics for an extra health boost.

Celery Juice:

Research shows celery juice could offer health benefits when enriched with healthy bacteria as a probiotic drink.

Bottled Probiotic Drinks:

It’s an easy way to get a probiotic in your gut; you may prefer several probiotic drinks, like juices, teas, kombucha, and smoothies.


Belgian-style beers are fermented twice, which may contain a specific kind of probiotic yeast that can kill harmful bacteria in the gut.


It often comes in powder form, has several health benefits, and is a good source of probiotics.


Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae; spirulina is a popular supplement full of nutrients, including probiotics.

Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg
An experienced, versatile content writer and a mother who is passionate for writing about everything from health to food, to fitness, to beauty and beyond.

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