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HomeUncategorized20+ Foods That Are Toxic To Dogs

20+ Foods That Are Toxic To Dogs

Food is a necessity for every living being, but do you know that, like humans, certain foods are toxic to dogs and can cause serious health complications? Being a dog owner, it is your responsibility to keep your dog away from toxic food, but before that, Let’s read further in the article to know what food can kill dogs.

20+ Foods That Are Toxic or Harmful to Dogs


They are nutritious, healthy, and delicious snacks loved by humans. Avocados in extreme amounts can be dangerous for dogs. It contains persin, a fungicidal toxin that leads to fatal health problems, sometimes even death, persin present in the fruit isn’t harmful to humans but dangerous for dogs. Hence, if you grow the plant in your backyard, ensure that you keep your dog away from the plant as the whole plant’s leaves, bark, and seeds contain persin, which can harm your dog. The flesh of avocado contains high amounts of fat, and if consumed in large amounts, it can lead to gastrointestinal upset and pancreatitis in dogs. Also, the high fatty food may cause severe weight gain; if not taken care of, the fruit’s stone or seed may choke the animal. If you are an avocado lover, you must educate your family about its health hazards for your dog.

Alcohol: Alcohol

Dogs are man’s best companions. These cute pets are liked most, and millions of families have them in their house like humans are not resistant to toxic food; dogs are the same. They are not adapted to toxic food. If a dog consumes alcohol, it may result in sedation, dizziness, disorientation, restlessness, wobbling on the feet, low body temperature, depression of breathing, increased acidity of the blood, low blood sugar, vomiting, and death. Even a small amount of alcohol in syrups and raw bread dough is poisonous to your dog. If alcohol intoxication is left untreated in the dog, it can cause the failure of the organ system and even death. It’s not fine to put your dog’s health at risk. Your responsibility is to keep your pet safe, follow the required precautions, and keep him away from alcohol, as it is never ok to let your dog drink alcohol. Still, despite precautions, somehow, your dog drinks alcohol. You must meet your vet and get recommendations on how to proceed on a dog with alcohol intoxication, which needs to be treated immediately. You can inform your vet in advance, while reaching the clinic so that he or she can be ready for you as soon as you arrive. Being a pet owner, it is your responsibility to prevent your dog from foods or drinks that are harmful, keep all forms of alcohol stored out of reach of your dog, don’t leave alcoholic beverages unattended, do not leave the spells of alcohol clean before it goes in your dog’s stomach if you are organizing a party keep your dog away from the guest to avoid any accidental alcohol consumption.

Yeast Dough: Yeast dough

Raw pieces of bread are also among the foods that are toxic to dogs it may cause unexpected poisoning. A dog eats bread dough and provides an ideal environment for the dough to rise. When the fermentation process continues in the dog’s intestine’s dark environment, the dough rises, obstructing the intestines, compressing the other organs, and causing respiratory difficulty. Fermenting yeast cells produces ethanol, and the dog’s blood alcohol level rises to toxic levels, which will cause alcohol toxicity. It can cause other symptoms such as lack of coordination, central nervous system depression, vomiting, excessive salivation, disorientation, weakness, low body temperature, seizures, and coma. The treatment will affect the dog and provide some relief, but if it becomes too serious, it could cause fatal death. Dogs who have accidentally consumed it must be treated quickly and successfully from bad poisoning. Your dog is safe if it has ingested only a small amount and can vomit it on its own before the yeast ferments and lumps expand. Still, if he is not well, your vet stabilizes the alcohol level and removes the dough; the chances of survival increase; however, the toxicity of alcohol may cause brain damage and death.

Onions and Garlic:

A dog can be anyone’s favorite pet. Taking care of him is important. You must be careful about what you are feeding your dog. You must also know about the foods that can kill dogs, such as onions and garlic. The compound found in them is called profile disulfide. This causes oxygen to carry red blood cell damage, which causes hemolytic anemia, which is a dangerous condition for pets, but it also leads to organ failures and death. Onion and garlic in any food will start showing symptoms sometimes. It may take two days for the symptoms to appear; the dog may begin to feel lethargic, hiding, lack coordination, paleness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Discolored urine, hypersalivation, increased heart rate, and increased respiratory rate. If you suspect that your pet is not well, then you must seek the health practitioner’s help for your pet. Sometimes, things may be wrong with your pet. Still, not all parts show every symptom, and many pets are very good at hiding thats why early treatment is the remedy for the toxicity of onion and garlic. If the symptoms are caught early and treated aggressively, it gets cured with no long-lasting effects.


Dogs owner must be well aware that chocolates are toxic to dogs; however, several dogs consume chocolates easily without their owner’s consent and are fine with no side effects; chocolate contains two components, theobromine, and caffeine. These two chemicals belong to a group of chemicals called methylxanthines, which inhabits sleepy feelings and acts as stimulants, so if a dog consumes chocolate, it will feel nauseous and probably vomits, the heart rate increases, and symptoms of diarrhea may also develop, showing the signs of hyperactivity if they consume a great number of chocolates that is a high dose of methylxanthines it may cause tremors seizures and possibly death. Theobromine content in chocolates is highly poisonous, enabling dogs to metabolize. If your dog consumes it, keep a close watch on them and seek vet help if they develop any strong symptoms.


It is not a healthy food for the dog. The plant contains oxalic acid that causes or poses a reaction in the dog’s body and makes it poisonous the owners of the canines must keep them away from the plant as all parts of plants are dangerous for a dog’s health; the leaf of the plant may develop symptoms of diarrhea vomiting increase drooling salivation at the mouth if your dog has consumed rhubarb you must relieve him by rinsing his mouth with cold water and treat him with antihistamines so that he can be relieved from the symptoms. The pain is still the dog isn’t feeling well. Its health is not improving; take him to the veterinarian immediately.

Macadamia Nuts:

Macadamia nuts are not safe for dogs to consume. The worst effects of eating macadamia nuts include vomiting, ataxia, weakness, hyperthermia, and depression. Even a few roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, and rapid heart rate. Eating them with other chocolate or high sugar content will worsen symptoms, causing death.

Grapes and Raisins

Although it isn’t clear why grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, a small amount can make a dog ill. Repeated vomiting is an early sign. Within a day, the dog will become lethargic and depressed. The best prevention is to keep grapes and raisins off counters and other places your dog can reach.

Spinach: spinach

Eating spinach in large quantities is toxic to dogs. Dogs can eat spinach, but in a moderate amount; continuous consumption with a great quantity can cause kidney stress, muscle weakness, abnormal heart rhythm, and respiratory paralysis. It’s high in oxalic acid, which blocks calcium absorption, leading to kidney damage if you feed your dog with spinach and give them boiled or steamed spinach. Vitamin minerals and antioxidants in spinach support dogs’ health, but large consumption harms them.

Wild Mushrooms:

They are extremely unhealthy for dogs’ health; if your dog has eaten, it needs to be treated immediately in an emergency, while mushrooms can cause kidney and liver failure, neurological disorders, and even death. Depending on the quantity of consumption, several species of mushrooms are not good for the health of humans and animals.

Apples: apples

Too many apples are harmful to dogs it can cause diarrhea or bellyache. Eating apples in moderation has benefits they are a great source of vitamin A, C, and fiber, it is low in protein and fat, which is why it is a perfect snack for the dog; while feeding your dog with apples, remove the core and the seeds as apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide which is released when broken or chewed in the mouth the cyanide may cause poisoning which may develop the symptoms of drooling, watery eyes, vomiting, and muscle spasm if the dog’s health is still not improving. It becomes serious after consumption it can cause fatal death.


It’s a toxic food that is not good for dogs. It belongs to the allium family, which includes onion, garlic shallots, and even chives; therefore, leeks are not safe for dogs to consume. The serious issue that develops after consuming leeks is anemia. It damages the red blood cells as you know that these red blood cells are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body, and when the oxygen cannot reach cells and organs, it causes weakness and lethargy. Dogs that have consumed leeks show the symptoms of lethargy, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness, panting for breath, and excessive drooling. You must be vigilant and keep away from the foods that can kill the dog; when the toxicity of leeks develops in the dogs, you must monitor your dog’s behavior and contact your vet immediately.

Fat Trimmings:

It’s another food that is toxic to dogs; fat trimmings occur whether cooked or uncooked. It can cause pancreatitis in dogs, Which develops the signs of abdominal pain, decreased appetite, dehydration, diarrhea, fever, heterogeneous nausea, and vomiting depending on how much fat your dog eats, keep an eye on developing symptoms and contact your veterinarian if they seem to be developing keep your dog hydrated. If your dog already has pancreatitis, you must make sure that they have a low-fat diet. A large amount of fat in the diet can cause serious health issues.


It is harmful to your dog’s health as the pit leaves and stem contain cyanide which is toxic to dogs. The pits can cause intestinal blockage, and the cyanide in the cherries is toxic if it is ingested in large quantities while eating. Cherries the pits can cause blockage in the throat or create an intestinal obstruction though the flesh of the cherry contains vitamin A, C fiber, and antioxidants. It also causes upset stomachs in dogs. If consumed in a great amount, you must not feed your dog with any cherries things happen accidentally; if your dog has eaten many cherries with the pits, it is likely to cause harm. They have a mild reaction and have an upset stomach or diarrhea if the dog eats a handful or more cherries. Cyanide poisoning may cause trouble breathing, red gums, and dilated pupils, whether they show any symptoms or not. You must call your veterinarian for further instructions.

Green Tomatoes:

Dogs are human’s favorite pets, but this also brings responsibility for you. If you have a dog, you need to keep your dog away from toxic foods such as green tomatoes. Solanine is a compound present in the green parts of tomatoes. You must see that your dog must not consume the Leaves and stems of a tomato plant and must stay away from young green tomatoes. Eating them in large quantities may cause food poisoning that may cause loss of coordination, loss of appetite, hypersalivation dilated pupils, tremors, seizures, literary abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal upset; it is rare in dogs. Those who have experienced toxicity of green tomatoes have seen them recover fully after physical examination by a veterinarian; in moderate amounts, you can feed the right tomato as a snack to your dog, which has a lot of fiber and supports your dog’s digestion.


It belongs to the allium family. They are foods that can kill dogs. Certain breeds of dogs are highly sensitive to the consumption of chives as they may damage the red blood cells and cause anemia. It may also cause nausea during abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. If your dog has consumed in great amount, then it will begin showing the signs of anemia, including increased heart rate, respiratory rate, weakness, exercise intolerance, and collapse the tiny amount of consumption is safe but consuming in large amounts is toxic for your dog.


It is also listed in the foods that are toxic for dogs; potatoes contain solanine which is toxic for dogs; this compounds blocks a chemical called acetylcholine which acts as a neurotransmitter this reduces the functioning of the nervous system and other body organs by building up in the tissues, especially the liver. Solanine is also found in other body organs such as the brain, lungs, heart, and kidney; the symptoms may develop in your dog if a great amount of potato has been consumed. Below are the symptoms of bleeding, burning of the throat, dizziness, excessive drooling, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. It also causes cell membrane damage that may irritate the nervous system and intestinal tract, so do not feed your dog with green potato or raw potato skin or fruits grown on potatoes; if your dog eats them in a great amount, then you must immediately seek help from your dog’s medical practitioner the recovery of your dog depends on the amount of solanine ingested and how quickly the treatment is given.

Milk and Other Dairy Products:

Like humans, dogs cannot eat everything. There is a list of food items that are toxic to dogs, and among them are milk and milk-based products whose consumption can cause diarrhea, other digestive upset, and food allergies.

Candy And Gum:

It’s not fine to feed your dog with high sugar content, such as candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods, as they are sweetened with xylitol. Each bit of candy contains xylitol to make your dog deathly ill; symptoms may develop soon, including vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. Symptoms can be from mild tummy to serious in requiring hospitalization moreover the dog may have seizures and liver failure within a few days.

Peaches and Plum:

These delicious fruits are highly toxic to dogs. Every part of the plum tree is harmful to the dogs as humans know how to eat them safely, and dogs don’t. It has pits, foliage, and stems that contain a compound called amygdalin. When the body processes this compound, it converts it into hydrogen cyanide, a deadly poison. Consuming amygdalin in high enough quantities can cause cyanide poisoning in dogs. Plums and peaches can also cause intestinal obstruction.

Raw Eggs:

It Is safe for your dogs to eat eggs. They are healthy and nutritious, but consuming raw eggs can be dangerous for them, just like humans. Raw eggs can pose the risk of Salmonella to dogs which can also spread back to the pet parents; if a dog eats an egg that is affected with Salmonella can cause infection of Salmonellosis, which develops the symptom of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in raw eggs, causes food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. Enzymes in raw eggs interfere with the absorption of a particular B vitamin. This can cause skin problems and problems with your dog’s coat if raw eggs are fed for a long time.


Feeding salty food items are not great for dogs as it can be toxic to their health. If a dog consumes too much salt, he will drink more water to fight the effect, so there are no issues regarding his health. Still, suppose there is no availability of water, or your dog doesn’t drink enough water. In that case, the cells will release water to even out the levels of salt in the blood, which will lead to brain cells destruction due to lack of water which may develop symptoms like dizziness, headache, and seizures; too much salt in the blood May cause muscles to lose its moisture which stiffens the muscles sodium toxicity it is harmful to your dog’s health vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, and seizures are its common symptoms.

Sugary Foods and Drinks:

Humans can eat sugary food, but the extremity of anything can cause worse effects. Similarly, feeding your dog too much sugary food and drinks can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly the onset of diabetes.

Your Medicine:

Injecting human medication is not safe for your dog use only medically prescribed medicines for dogs; acetaminophen poisoning in dogs leads to liver damage, and in case of high dosage, it may cause organ failure. If a dog consumes your medicine, it will show symptoms of lethargy, loss of appetite, belly pain, and swelling of the face, commonly seen in dogs. If you sense the risk of danger, you should seek veterinary help immediately; even a small injection of your medicine is harmful to your dog. Sometimes organ failure to ill death can be the situation. It is necessary that keep all medicines out of your dog’s reach and not give any over-the-counter medicine to your dogs unless your vet suggests it.

Dogs are the most loyal companion of humans. They will love you wholeheartedly. As a dog owner, you must be aware of its habits, and dogs can put just anything in their mouth as they don’t know what not to eat, as certain foods are toxic that can kill the dog. If you doubt that your dog has put something in its mouth, it must be treated immediately; train your dog to avoid food that is toxic to its health.

Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg
An experienced, versatile content writer and a mother who is passionate for writing about everything from health to food, to fitness, to beauty and beyond.

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