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HomeUncategorizedHealthy Foods That Make You Poop Instantly

Healthy Foods That Make You Poop Instantly

Your body requires a variety of nutrients to stay healthy: protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, minerals, fiber, all we get from food. Consuming food is the most efficient way of obtaining energy and nutrients. It breaks down into fat, protein and carbohydrates, which determines the energy a body can get from the food. Essential nutrients required by the body are vitamins and minerals that protect your body from foreign agents and boost its immunity.

Children and adults require plenty of energy to work and enjoy, especially children, they must eat well because they are in their growing years eating balanced food helps them grow in an appropriate way. Food is the most essential thing that the human body requires for the proper and smooth functioning of the body and its organs, it promotes health and prevents various diseases. Our body develops, grows and stays healthy when we consume sufficient amounts of protein. To obtain energy there are a variety of food sources, most of the food is derived directly from plants, animals, fermented and packed foods.constipationAs food intake is important for the body so its reciprocation i.e., its discharge from the body. It is also essential that the food you eat is all absorbed by your gut and the rough or waste apart is excreted out in the form of the waste from digestive tract, regular bowel movement is essential as it keeps your gut healthy and free from diseases and if you do not discharge it for a long time it may cause of fecal implication that means it hardens the pieces of stool and makes it extremely difficult to pass. If you ignore bowel movements, it causes constipation and the movements to become difficult.

Constipation is the occurrence of less frequent bowel movements that happens due to the change in diet, routine and inadequate intake of fiber and fluids. If you do not clear in the morning, it may cause you feel that you have not emptied and something has been obstructed inside. It is necessary that you clear your bowel movements everyday as regular constipation may cause internal damage. Swollen and inflamed veins in your rectum, it may hurt the lining of your anus while passing the hardened stool, it may affect your rectum, it may also lead to pelvic floor muscle damage while straining your bowel movements which also puts strain on your urinary bladder.

Causes Of Constipation

  • Stress: it worsens digestive conditions and slows down the process of getting rid of fecal waste. Anxiety, depression or grief triggers your gastrointestinal health.
  • Staying Dehydrated: if you do not replenish your body with enough water the intestines soak up the water from your food waste which becomes a major cause of constipation.
  • Traveling: while traveling a lot, it’s obvious that your digestive system gets constipated due to an unusual diet with irregularities.
  • Dietary Changes: sometimes it may leave you in trouble as you block up your eating habits that were usually like drinking sugary fluids or consuming fast food so its best instead of overdoing it, consume in a low amount to avoid constipation.
  • No Physical Exercises: regular exercise keeps your muscles toned which is important for pooping.
  • Ignoring Bowel Urges: avoiding an urge to use the washroom makes the stool hard and dry.
  • Medicines And Supplements: many medications can move you towards you few of the main offenders include anti-inflammatories, calcium supplements, iron supplements, Diabetic medication and antidepressants

  There are certain medical conditions that too can cause constipation they include:

  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Celiac Disease
  • Pregnancy And Giving Birth
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Rectal Prolapse
  • Anal Fissures
  • Parkinson Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Spinal Cord Injuries or Disease
  • Intestinal Tumors or Growth

Symptoms Of Constipation

  • Nausea
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Feeling Bloated
  • Cramps In The Abdomen
  • Lumpy Dry Hard Stool
  • Passing Less To Than Usual
  • Straining When Passing Stool
  • Difficulty In Passing Stool

while being constipated you may encounter damage that can arise as a result of severe constipation which includes:

  • Rectal Bleeding
  • Anal fissures which are a small tear around the anus
  • The fecal implication that occurs when dried stool stagnates and gets collected in the rectum and anus to cause obstruction.
  • Symptomatic hemorrhoids which have swollen, inflamed blood vessels in the anus, thus constipation is uncomfortable and discomfort to your body but ultimately it is not life threatening.

How Can You Get Rid Of Constipation?

To get yourself free from constipation follows natural procedures such as increase your physical activity, drink plenty of healthy fluids, consume fiber rich food, healthy probiotic food, green vegetables, fruits, juices, dried fruits, etc., for a healthy body function and easy passing of stools. Choose a healthy lifestyle: wake up early in the morning, practice yoga. It reduces stress, which also has a negative effect on your health. Avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol, sleep at the proper time, eat healthy food and stop eating processed and junk food.How Can You Get Rid Of Constipation

Eat food that makes you poop as diet improves digestion, the soluble fiber present in oats, bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and peas lets you absorb water and form gel like paste that softens the stools and improves its consistency, whereas insoluble fibers present in wheat, bran, vegetable and whole grains adds bulk to stools and allows them to pass more quickly and easily through the digestive system.

While being constipated remember if you haven’t passed your bowel movements in 4 to 5 days, then you need to see your doctor immediately.

Drinks That Make You Poop

Lemon Juice

To keep your gut clean and obstruction free you must try lemon juice, take a glass of water and squeeze out the lemon juice in it, mix it well and drink twice a day, lemon juice will stimulate your digestion along with increasing the frequency of stools, isn’t it the best drink that makes you poop.Lemon juice

Apple Juice

When you are constipated apple juice would do wonders, apple juice is rich in fibre that causes a laxative effect. Constipation occurs due to lack of water intake. It is necessary to maintain the liquid consumption to avoid hardening of stools. Drink apple juice as a stool softener twice a day.

Apple Juice

Prunes Juice

It contains a significant amount of fibre which allows to clear obstructed bowels, consumption of prune juice draws water into the gut and stimulates bowel movements. Drink a cup of prune juice regularly to get rid of mild constipation, half cup of prune juice twice a day is advantageous which causes laxative effect and improves frequency if stool movements and allows it to pass through the digestive tract.

Prunes Juice

Pear Juice

It is also considered perfect for constipation, it contains four times sorbitol then other juices, it is not much rich in vitamins but it is liked by people of all ages and helps in solving constipation issues.Pear Juice

Pineapple Juice

It helps in increasing Fluids and water content in your digestive tract it helps the stool to pass easily.

PineApple Juice

Watermelon Juice

It’s the best fruit that makes you poop, being rich in water, its consumption keeps you hydrated and promotes bowel movements consuming watermelon juice maintains the fluidity and its liquid flow in the intestine which causes a laxative effect and helps in forming soft stools.

Orange Juice

It is rich in vitamin C that contains fibre. The stool becomes soft and makes it easy to pass, after regular consumption of orange juice your digestive health improves.Orange Juice

Cucumber Juice

It is a summer delight. It keeps you full of water and stimulates regular bowel movements. It is easy on the stomach and causes a natural laxative effect. You can add salt and lemon in juice to increase its taste, but remember, moderation is the key with whatever you consume.Cucumber Juice

Mosambi Juice

It is the most amazing juice that makes you poop as it has acid that helps in getting rid of toxins from the waste tracks and provides immediate relief. You can add A Pinch of salt in the mosambi juice to get quick results. It is rich in vitamin C that provides amazing health benefits also.Mosambi juice

Cranberry Juice

This refreshing drink decreases dehydration and helps you with constipation. It is rich in vitamin C that boosts Your immunity system and proper functioning of your body reduces oxidative stress and keeps you free from radicals. According to a study from 2018 in the journal of the science of Food and Agriculture there is growing evidence that phytochemicals present in Cranberries play an important role in digestive health.


Does Celery Juice Make You Poop?

It’s a vegetable that is grown all around the globe, its crunchy stock makes the vegetable popular as a low-calorie snacks, it is rich in fibre that provides enormous benefit to the digestion system, cardiovascular system and a great food that makes you poop. It is rich in antioxidants that help in preventing damage of cells caused by free fibre content that prevents constipation. You can consume one cup of celery every day that contains 10% of the fibre. It helps in regular bowel movements and aids in weight maintenance, drinking celery juice supports your digestion system it adds bulk to your stool.Celery Juice

Apart from these juices, jeera water, coconut water, herbal teas also help you in pooping immediately.

Fruits That Make You Poop

Do Bananas Make You Poop

It’s a great food that helps you in relieving from constipation and you can always find it available in your fruit basket. The ripened bananas are good to consume. They are high in soluble fibre that helps in pushing the bowel movements. It is also considered for its prebiotic effect that increases the good bacteria in the gut and resolves digestive issues.bananas

Does Watermelon Make You Poop

It is a fact that healthy nutrients and beneficial plant compounds improves heart health reduces inflammation and oxidative stress prevents cancer and other diseases the high water content amino acid and antioxidant in watermelon do wonders on your body it is rich in potassium and  minerals  it has lot of water that increases Bowel movements but it is too much of watermelon may cause diarrhoea bloating and gas Despite the fact fruit on consumption helps to bulk up your stool and keeps your digestive tract working efficiently.watermelon

Do Apples Make You Poop

Apples are soluble fibre that have laxative effects consuming it regularly for 4 weeks help in speeding up the transmitting time of bowel movements reduces constipation and improve your digestive health Apple consumption increases the number of good bacteria in your gut it is easy to eat apple in yogurt creams oatmeal. Apples are a good source of fibre one small cup of apple contains 3.6 grams of fibre. When fibre moves through the intestine, it binds stools and promotes regular bowel movements, it’s the best food that makes you poop.apples

Do Prunes Make You Poop

Prunes are natural laxative they contain 2 grams of fibre in 32 grams of prunes, it also fulfils your vitamin A and potassium requirements they help in promoting bowel movements and elevates constipation they help in softening stool, improves consistency and adds bulk to the stool Consuming a small glass of prune juice with no added sugar can be a quick and convenient way to relieve yourself from constipation.


Do Blueberries Make You Poop

Give sweet treats to your tummy. It’s a summer fruit, very tasty, nutritious and beneficial to health. Their effectiveness can be known from their health benefits. Consuming it prevents heart diseases, cancer, increases bone strength, improves mental health and maintains healthy blood pressure. One cup of it contains 84 calories and 3.6 G of fibre. Blueberries help in preventing constipation and maintaining healthy bowel movements from the digestive tract due to the presence of fibre content; the dietary fibre and blueberries aids in weight loss and weight management. it adds bulk to your stools. The high fibre keeps you full for longer and reduces your appetite. You can use them as fresh toppings to pancake yogurt, oatmeal smoothies to add extra fibre to your diet, trust this amazing fruit that makes you poop.blueberries

Do Grapes Help With Constipation

Grapes are a healthy source of potassium that balances the body fluid, brings down the high blood pressure levels and lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke. consuming them promotes a healthy immune system, prevents cancer and heart diseases. Grapes are Super fibre fruits that move the food in your intestines and create bowel movements, a handful of grapes will give you plenty of fibre from the skin as well as liquid from the fruit. grapes are rich in antioxidants that are very effective in eliminating constipation.


Does Avocado Make You Poop

Avocados are a super nutrient rich food and help in dealing with irregular bowel movements. They are high in magnesium and fibre content which is important for easy passing of stools. Soluble fibre in avocado is great for cleansing by increasing efficient bowel movements which reduces your chances of getting constipated as well as it also prevents the chances of getting colorectal cancer as your colon will be cleaned effectively. Soluble fibre is a great appetite controller. It keeps you full for a longer time as it turns into a gel and stays in your stomach for a long time when it comes in contact with water.avocados

Does Papaya Make You Poop

It’s a nutrient-rich tropical fruit, immensely rich in antioxidants which helps in reducing inflammation and helps in fighting various diseases and making your skin glowing and radiant. Papaya is most popularly known for relieving constipation and easing bowel movements, it contains the enzyme papain in the rich amount that digest the protein, the good amount of insoluble fibre in papaya helps in forming soft stools making them easier to pass off through the digestive tract thus papaya makes you poop. If you like you can consume papaya juice also as it is rich in water content and protects the colon from cancer-causing toxins, if you experience constipation episodes regularly then you must consume papaya daily in moderate amounts.papaya

Do Plums Make You Poop

Plums are healthy and nutritious fruits. They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. Their enormous healthy properties prevent the development of chronic illnesses such as osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Plums contain disease fighting antioxidants and have both soluble and insoluble fibre. Dried plums have 12 gram of fibre per cup and excellent for relieving constipation fresh plums do not have much fibre. Plums cause a natural laxative effect and are effective for the digestion system. The fibre content in the fruit speeds up the intestinal transit and it adds bulk to the stool, making them easier to pass. People who are oftenly constipated must add plums to their diet every day. It can do wonders on their body; it increases the fluidity of blood in the arteries and adds bulk to the stool. Plums are healthy foods that make you poop.Plums

Dry Fruits That Make You Poop

Do Figs Make You Poop

Figs are crunchy, sweet and juicy. They can be eaten fresh incorporated in fruit salads, vegetable salads as a dressing in oatmeal’s. You can also consume dried figs when soaked overnight. It has excellent health benefits that resolves several health issues, one of them is constipation. Figs help you poop easily. They act as a natural laxative and consuming figs is just adding more fibre to your diet. It’s the most beneficial fruit that promotes healthy bowel movement and nourishes the intestines. The fibre in figs serves as a prebiotic that promotes your gut health with the growth of healthy bacteria which results in smoother digestion, consuming them adds bulk to your stool and softens them. They are sugar dense fruit so it is advised that you must consume them in moderation.figs

Do Almonds Make You Poop

Almonds are highly nutrient rich and heart healthy it contains fats, protein, calcium, vitamin E and fibre in better amounts than any other nut. It is also rich in magnesium. The most important benefit of magnesium in almonds is that it neutralizes stomach acids and helps in moving the stools easily through the intestines. Almonds also initiate your daily protein needs which simultaneously helps in, making you poop. It is necessary to acknowledge that excess consumption of almonds may lead to constipation, bloating and diarrhoea. Consume almonds in moderation as fibre and magnesium content in them improves digestive health and intestinal movements. Fibre in almonds absorbs water making bulk of stool this helps in easy passing of stool from intestine Whereas magnesium in almonds draws water and has a laxative effect that relaxes the muscles of intestine which results in soft stools and speeding up of bowel movements.


Do Raisins Make You Poop

Raisins and dried grapes can be consumed raw on cooking and  baking they are good source of potassium consuming it helps in lowering risk of heart diseases reduces blood pressure blood sugar lowers your bad cholesterol they are rich in antioxidants which promotes good health and ensures proper body growth but the most prominent property of raisins is its ability to fix your bowel movements as they are rich in fibre content they cause laxative effects when soaked in water it prevents constipation and improve your digestion process It is soluble fibre rich food if it is consumed too much the fibre may cause stomach cramps gas and bloating or you may also develop diarrhoea so remember moderation is the best option to stay safe.


Do Flax Seeds Make You Poop?

It is a nutrient rich food that helps you poop that provide a variety of health benefits they are high fibre seeds that promotes regularity in stool movements 1 tablespoon of flax seeds contain 3 grams of fibre both soluble and insoluble fibre consuming 10 grams of flaxseed every day for 12 weeks improves constipation and other digestive issues. It also helps in weight management including flaxseed in yogurt smoothies’ oats ice creams adds extra fibre to your diet that promotes your health.flax seeds

Do Dates Make You Poop

It’s an amazing food that helps you poop and do wonders to your body when consumed regularly. It aids in weight loss, strengthens bone, increases immunity, improves brain function, supports heart health and prevents diseases like Alzheimer’s cancer and other chronic diseases. It causes a natural laxative effect and promotes regular bowel movements that add bulk to the stool and increased stool frequency. They are a good source of antioxidants and other nutrients that help in increasing your body metabolism and consuming it provides fibre that keeps you full for a long time and reduces blood glucose spikes.Dates

Do Chia Seeds Make You Poop?

It’s the most fibre rich food that makes you poop just 28 grams of Chia seeds contain 11 grams of fibre they are good source of soluble fibre that absorbs water and forms a gel that softens and moistens stools for easier passage you can add Chia seeds to various foods like smoothies’ yogurts puddings oatmeal’s to provide an extra pack of soluble fibre.Chia Seeds

Vegetables That Make You Poop

Does Spinach Make You Poop

It’s a green leafy vegetable that contains numerous health benefits. It helps in improving bone health, skin, hair and boosts your requirements for protein, iron and minerals. It can be added to several recipes either cooked or raw. Spinach is good for diabetes management; Cancer prevention lowers blood pressure prevents asthma and cancer but does spinach help in pooping yes it contains lot of water and fibre that helps in preventing constipation high fibre is the insoluble fibre that adds bulk to your stool and increase the frequency of bowel movements moreover it helps in easy passing of stool from the digestive tract. incorporate spinach in your diet and add a handful of it to pasta sandwiches, noodles. You can saute it and eat it with cheese and dips. For a healthy digestion system choose healthy to eat, it’s an excellent food source that makes you poop immediately.spinach

Does Cabbage Make You Poop

Cabbage increases the levels of Beta carotene, lutein and other heart protecting antioxidants. Many people do not like eating cabbage due to its strong odour but they are a complete pack of beneficial nutrients that protects against the radiation, prevents cancer and reduces heart diseases. It can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, roasted, sautéed or stuffed. The fibres and water content in the cabbage prevents constipation and maintains a healthy digestive system, eating adequate fibre is important for the excretion of toxins through stools. It contains soluble and insoluble fibre which increases the what makes you Hooghly Growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and promotes regular bowel movement, the insoluble fibre helps to keep the digestive system function optimally by adding bulk to the stools and promoting powerful bowel movements that are regular.cabbage

Does Kale Make You Poop

It’s a nutrient rich superfood, belongs to the cabbage family including broccoli and collards. It is packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, B-vitamins and other nutrients. It helps in lowering cholesterol, prevents cancer and aids in weight loss. Kale is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre and water that helps prevent constipation and speeds up regular bowel movements. It also helps in maintaining your digestive tract health. It is recommended to eat cooked Kale. If it is raw avoid consuming it raw may cause gas and bloating

Does Salad Make You Poop

Salad is the delicious part of a meal, the fibre present in it improves your digestion and makes you poop. Eating salad is the most effective way of achieving your daily nutrient requirements. Adding tomatoes, onions, zucchini, lemon, celery, carrots, radish cucumber, cilantro to your salad bowl increases the fibre content, keeps you hydrated and supports your digestive system. Consuming salad promotes healthy antioxidants in the body which balances the toxins in the gut and cleanses your pipes. It also adds bulk to your stool and speeds up the bowel movements.salad

Does Garlic Make You Poop

Garlic belongs to the onion (allium) family, since ancient times it has been used to treat a variety of medical conditions. It has rich beneficial properties for human health, antioxidants in garlic help in treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It also plays a vital role in making you poop, it helps in relieving constipation due to the presence of insoluble fibre that makes the food pass easily through the digestive tract, if you are sensitive to garlic then do not consume it in excess as overeating may result in diarrhoea do not consume more than two to three garlic cloves in a day. Garlic is used widely in several recipes you can consume it in your daily meal, it is also consumed raw early in the morning with water to treat several health issues, it boosts immunity and protects the immune system from free radicals and diseases, there is no other option better than garlic to keep your gut healthy moreover it improves the number of good bacteria in your gut and prevents digestion related issues like constipation.


Do Beans Make You Poop

Beans are the seeds of a family of plants called Fabaceae, it’s the most common food all around the globe, they are a great source of plant protein and rich in fibre and B Vitamins, it’s the amazing food that provides numerous health benefits and resolves the world’s most common problem of constipation among people, you might be wondering do beans make you poop well the answer is yes, in one cup of beans serving it contains 10 grams of fibre. A good amount of soluble fibre helps the food to keep easy bowel movements and relieves constipation as it absorbs water and forms a gel-like consistency that helps in softening stools. There are a variety of beans you can choose for your platter or you can eat them in turns and add them to your salads, soups, casseroles or pasta. Include fibre-rich food in your diet like fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, bread and cereals. Eating too much can leave you constipated, moderation is the key to excel, keep your meal plan fibrous and drink plenty of water for an easy digestive tract.


Other Foods That Make You Poop

Baking Soda with Water

When wondering regarding different juices that makes you poop and can’t bear the annoying constipation do not go for remedies here and there, they are always available in your kitchen, it helps in neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes bowel movements, take a glass of water and add a spoon of baking soda and mix it well and drink it. It is the most effective treatment to keep you unclogged.

Does Oatmeal Make You Poop

It’s no wonder that people are health conscious and love consuming food that helps in reducing weight and keeping their gut healthy oatmeal is excellent food that helps you poop, the soluble fibre rich oats allow water to remain in the stool make it soft and easier to pass. It’s the most fibrous and nutrient-rich breakfast, you can consume it every day in your diet as it is made from oats water, milk or plant-based milk, you can add nuts and berries to increase its taste, vitamins, minerals and fibre content. T healthy breakfast would keep you energetic the whole day but the question here is doing it makes you poop, well yes, the soluble fibre present in oatmeal in abundance absorbs water from your body to develop a gel that makes the poop in your intestines move smoothly and firmly whereas the insoluble fibre adds bulk to the stool that helps in spring up the process of pooping. Consuming oatmeal improves your overall health and facilitates your gut health with regular bowel movements, if you remain constipated on and off you must increase your fibre intake.

Does Peanut Butter Make You Poop

You may feel awful on your regular day if you do not have clear motions, it is necessary that you eat food that aids in digestion you may consume tasty creamy crunchy peanut butter with a toast in breakfast but can peanut butter make you poop yes, it is considered as a heart healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals. The fibre content in peanut butter supports your digestive system and makes the stool soft and firm whereas magnesium stimulates bowel movement and causes a laxative effect. Two tablespoon serving of chunky peanut butter offers 2.6 grams of fibre, the Institute of medicine recommends 10% of the daily intake for women and 7% for men fibre helps in softening your stools and makes them easy to pass, fibre is naturally considered a great remedy for constipation.

Does Popcorn Make You Poop

It is a low calories snack and rich in fibre, it’s a whole grain food and increasing the whole grain in your diet is an effective constipation remedy. The insoluble fibre keeps your digestive system healthy, prevents constipation and maintains regular bowel movements. Popcorn contains a decent amount of fibre. 3 cups of air popped popcorn contain 3.6 grams of fibre which is a safe amount of fibre food intake like other fruits, nuts and grains. It has potassium and magnesium, the two minerals that maintain bone and muscle health and maintain fluidity in the body. Magnesium is really important for digestive system and in transmitting easy bowel movements easily, try this crunchy food that makes you poop.

Does Yogurt Help You Poop

Yogurt is the best food that makes you poop and resolves digestive issues. Consuming it regularly adds good bacteria to your gut that promotes regular bowel movements and increases its frequency. Isn’t it the most tasty and convenient way to get rid of the load? Yogurt makes the stool soft and easier to pass. It is easy to ferment yogurt at home or you can buy ready ones from the market to keep them handy. It’s the common food item that people love to consume in their daily meal. You can increase its taste by adding some fruits like apples, grapes, chunks of pineapple, pomegranate, almonds, cashews and raisins.

What Makes Your Poop Green?

Green stool is not a cause of worrying, it’s a common occurrence when you eat too much dark green leafy vegetables, the other reasons for green poop could be dietary changes, medical prescriptions, below here in the article listed several other causes regarding what makes you poop green they are listed as follows:

Consuming food that has green color it may be possible that your stool appears green after consuming pigmented ice cream some packaged and processed foods also have green color so after consuming it when the food passes the digestive tract the motions appear to be green which is a sign that you might be over eating color food, eating lot of green veggies contain natural color that is chlorophyll though the vegetables do not change the stool color but after consuming larger servings of green vegetables you may find them green in color which is completely healthy and normal so do not be worrisome keep your platter rich with green veggies as they are full of vitamins, minerals and fibres.

Antibiotics are another reason that makes you poop green as antibiotics can alter the bacterial content of the stool which may change the color of it if this clears up within a few days after the medication course is over.

Tips To Maintain Healthy Gut And To Get Rid Of Constipation

  • Be conscious while buying food.
  • Prepare a grocery list before reaching the market so that you do not buy foods that may catch you with constipation.
  • Include those foods in your list that are good for your gut such as lentils, legumes, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, juices, coconut water etc.
  • Reduce your salt and sugar intake
  • Avoid buying high fat food such as chips, fries burgers
  • Avoid eating packed and processed food
  • Leave your smoking habit
  • Stay active and keep yourself busy in physical activities
  • Involve yourself socially it helps in reducing stress
  • Listen to nice music and spend happy time with your family, this helps you in reducing anxiousness and provides inner peace.

Constipation is a natural occurrence in human beings which typically agitates due to reduced quality life, stress, anxiousness, nervousness, no good dietary habits, medical conditions and other factors. People who stay at work are often constipated due to their eating habits and drinking less water. To maintain a healthy gut, you must choose a healthy lifestyle and change your eating and drinking habits. Constipation episodes generally do not stay for long; it clears off within a few days but in severe cases, it may last for months. It is advised to a person who has severe symptoms or discomfort they must immediately visit their doctors.

Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg
An experienced, versatile content writer and a mother who is passionate for writing about everything from health to food, to fitness, to beauty and beyond.

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