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HomeUncategorizedFoods To Avoid When Pregnant - What Not To Eat

Foods To Avoid When Pregnant – What Not To Eat

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Pregnancy is the most wonderful phase of a woman’s life. While enjoying this feeling you mess everything around you, having a baby change thing physically and emotionally. Pregnancy differs from woman to woman. Some women feel very positive and strong during their pregnancy phase while others may feel stressed out and confused.

Pregnancy queries occur naturally and you may feel anxious, to know how pregnancy is going to change your body. The most asked or searched query is what food you must eat and what not to eat when pregnant.

Let’s dwell up further in the article to know what food you must stay away from when you are pregnant.

Foods To Avoid When Pregnant

Women during pregnancy feel different, food which they may never give up before pregnancy may not even look at that food while being pregnant. When you are pregnant, you must definitely know regarding foods to avoid when pregnant for the sake of the baby that’s developing inside you.

Undercooked or Raw Meat:

When you are pregnant, you must be very careful about your eating habits and must know foods to avoid when pregnant, especially when you are fond of eating meat, avoid eating meat that is raw or undercooked while cooking meat or any poultry product make sure it is cooked properly with no traces of pink or blood specially pay attention when you are cooking pork, sausages or minced meat including burgers.

Maintain Hygiene After Preparing Meat:

Maintain hygiene after preparing meat, wash the surfaces and utensils properly, it is also important to wash your hands after handling or touching the raw meat as it will help you to avoid the wide spread of harmful bacteria such a Salmonella Campylobacter and E. Coli. which can cause food poisoning.

Avoid Eating Liver Products:

Avoid eating liver products such as liver sausage as it contains a lot of Vitamin A which is harmful for babies. Also avoid eating supplements containing vitamin A.

Stop Consuming Alcohol:

It is not safe to consume alcohol when you are pregnant as it is harmful for the unborn baby, A baby inside the womb cannot process alcohol as well as you, too much exposure to the alcohol affects the development of the baby, consuming alcohol in the first three months of pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight.

Avoid Consuming Caffeine:

When you are pregnant, avoiding caffeine is recommended by your doctor, you can limit its consumption in your diet to less than 200 mg a day.

Avoid Eating Processed Cheese:

Pasteurization of milk is important. If the milk is not pasteurized it may contain bacteria, which may cause Listeriosis. It is a bacterial infection that may cause mild fever in the mother and can also lead to preterm labor. It is best to avoid cheese made from pasteurized milk.

Avoid Eating Prepackaged or Unwashed Salad:

If you are at home why to eat pre-packed salad, it takes only few minutes to chop fresh salad, avoid eating prepackaged salad, especially when it’s not washed or left out at the room temperature for a long time as bacteria grows quickly, if you have pre packed salad consume them before the expiry date and don’t forget to wash them, this goes same for all the fruits and vegetables that are not washed, you better wash them before using them it’s the best tip when you are learning what not to eat when pregnant.

Fruits To Avoid During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant you may feel like eating more, but you cannot eat everything. You must be aware of what not to eat when pregnant. There are several fruits that cannot be on your platter. They may not give any positive response to your body when you are pregnant, they may affect the health of the fetus developing in your womb eating such fruits may cause miscarriage also. Follow further to find fruits to avoid during pregnancy.


It is rich in latex that may trigger uterine contraction, bleeding, early labor and miscarriage, eating papaya increases the body temperature and weakens the membranes around the fetus, which is not good during pregnancy. It contains micronutrients and vitamins, which is essential for the body, but consuming papaya during pregnancy is not advised. Moreover, avoid eating ripe and unripe papaya fruit as it affects the health of the baby.papaya

Canned Tomatoes:

It is highly advised during pregnancy to not to consume canned food items as there are a high number of preservatives, canned tomatoes contain preservatives that can be toxic to the health of the baby and the mother which may lead to complications That’s why it is advised to avoid consuming them in your dishes.Canned Tomatoes


It is rich in vitamins and essential nutrients, but it is in the blacklist of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy. The reason that keeps it off is that while consuming dates your body temperature increases, which will lead to uterine contraction which is not safe for the health of the baby.Dates


It is a very hydrating fruit, but during pregnancy, it is not advised to consume as it may expose the baby to certain toxins that watermelon flushes out from your body moreover, it is considered good for the health of a pregnant women but, it also causes some undesirable effects when watermelon is consumed in excess it increases the blood sugar levels sometimes the properties of watermelon may also flush out the nutrients along with the toxins, it is also a cold inducing fruit which is why this becomes a fruit to avoid during pregnancy.watermelon


It contains certain enzymes that changes the texture of cervix which induces premature contractions resulting in miscarriage it is also known for causing diarrhea, this is another reason why pineapples are avoided during pregnancy.pineapple


It’s another food to avoid during pregnancy consuming them generates heat in the body which affects the health of a mother and the child. Avoid consuming too much grapes during pregnancy to stay away from complications.grapes


During pregnancy, women naturally crave for something tangy and they feel like eating tamarind. Eating anything in moderation is best, but excess of it may cause more harm than any good. it is rich in vitamin C which is the main reason why it is not recommended to eat during pregnancy if consumed in excess it can suppress the production of progesterone in the body and low levels of progesterone leads to miscarriage, preterm birth and it will lead to cell damage in the fetus it is advised not to consume too much tamarind during pregnancy specially in the first trimester.Tamarind

Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most amazing time for a woman, though it’s a very unpredictable time period as well. In a moment you are full of energy, healthy and confident and in a few minutes may begin feeling low, tired and exhausted. Your body changes completely. A pregnant woman must take special care of herself, especially about her diet. She must keep an eye on what she is eating and what not to eat when pregnant. Vegetables are termed as a healthy source of vitamins and minerals for all human beings, but there are certain exceptions for pregnant women.


It is advisable not to consume eggplants during pregnancy as they are grown in rich toxoplasmosis, a compound that is absorbed in the plants when consumed by expecting women it also gets absorbed by the baby that increases the risk of premature delivery, it is also allergic in nature, eating it may cause itching in arms, legs and stomach of the expecting mother though eggplant is rich in vitamins and minerals but when it comes to the health of the fetus, a woman must surely know vegetables to avoid during pregnancy.eggplant

Bitter Gourd:

Though it provides several health benefits to a person, it’s listed in the list of foods not to eat when pregnant. Consuming bitter gourd is not advisable as it contains a molecule vicin which can cause fauvism which is the destruction of red blood cells that could lead to anemia and severe anemia during pregnancy is linked to increased risk of premature birth, having a low-birth-weight baby and even infant death immediately before or after the birth. Bitter gourd juice during pregnancy induces contractions which cause bleeding and that leads to abortion.bitter gourd


It is not safe to eat cabbage during pregnancy as it is most likely to consume bacteria which may cause food poisoning and illness like Listeria infection. It may affect your health and the baby developing inside you, which may result in miscarriage, premature delivery and stillbirth.cabbage

Pregnant women must avoid consuming raw vegetables such as raw sprouts, alfalfa radish, clover and mung bean. Sprouts grow in warm and humid conditions which may increase the growth of bacteria that may cause harm to baby health, if you are consuming raw vegetables, it is necessary that you remove the peel so that the bacteria are also removed cutaway bruised and damaged parts of the vegetable where bacteria are found wash your chopping board, knife and your hands with soapy water after in contact with unwashed vegetables.

Foods To Avoid In First Month Of Pregnancy

For a pregnant woman’s life become upside down specially with food, it is important for any mother to learn hat not to eat when pregnant, especially in the first month of the pregnancy to keep herself and baby safe and healthy. Let’s learn from the below mentioned list regarding foods to be avoided.

Soft Cheese:

Do not consume it as it is made from the unpasteurized milk and contains bacteria that cause food poisoning it is best to avoid soft cheese during early pregnancy.Soft Cheese

Packaged Food Product:

When you are pregnant, fresh food must be your choice for the healthy nourishment of your baby do not consume such type of food which are processed and packed such as juices, microwave ready meals, cakes, biscuits condensed milk as they contain empty calories and has preservatives consuming such foods may cause bad effect on the baby’s health. For 6 weeks pregnant, food to be avoided this thought must be always in mind before consuming anything that is not good for the health of the baby.

Packaged Food Product


Consuming well-cooked seafood in moderate amount is safe, but forget about raw or undercooked one as it may cause brain damage to the fetus and delay in developmental milestones due to mercury contamination in fish.


They are strictly not allowed during the pregnancy and it’s the most import tip for 5-week pregnant food to avoid, as papaya contains latex that triggers uterine contraction which will lead to preterm labor, abortion or miscarriage.papaya


It contains bromelain, which changes the texture of cervix and leads to miscarriage or premature birth.pineapple

Undercooked Eggs and Meats:

They are not allowed during the pregnancy unless cooked perfectly, there are high chances of bacteria, such as Salmonella or Listeria that can affect the development of the unborn child.undercook egg and raw meat


It must be consumed in a very limited amount consuming it in excess amount may cause sleeplessness irritability and nervousness.


Foods To Avoid When Pregnant First Trimester

Pregnancy is the most delicate time period of a woman’s life as she is growing at a life in her womb, it is necessary to know 5 weeks pregnant food to avoid which may bring complications to the pregnancy period, below here is the list of the food that must be avoided:

Raw Vegetables and Fruits:

For a pregnant woman vegetables and fruits are essential in the diet as they nourish the baby but before consuming they make sure that they are properly washed and peeled so that the germs which causes toxoplasmosis may not harm you and your baby, avoid having pre-packed salads, buffet-salad and the salads that are kept in open for a long time.


You must not expose your child to the alcohol as its the beverages be avoided when 6 weeks pregnant it is in your home it is not safe to consume during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consuming alcohol in large amounts when there is a baby growing inside you, is posing its health in danger and causing fetal alcohol syndrome, it’s important learn 5 weeks pregnant foods to avoid for new mothers.

Do Not Consume Excess Vitamin A:

During your first trimester you must be in a mess regarding food it is necessary to learn 6 weeks pregnant food to avoid during pregnancy, especially when you leave eating liver food. Vitamin A is always available in liver in excess so do not consume it in the in the form of supplements and liver food products, high amount dose of Vitamin A can be toxic for the health of your baby which may lead to birth defects.

Do Not Consume Unpasteurized Milk:

Heating milk kills the bacteria and increases its shelf life; in your first trimester you must be cautious regarding your food intake specially milk. Unpasteurized milk contains bacteria that can cause food poisoning, which affects you and your baby leading to a miscarriage or stillbirth.

Foods That Cause Miscarriage In Second Trimester

Sesame Seeds:

Pregnant women must not consume sesame seeds during pregnancy, whether it is white or black as it causes pregnancy complications during the second trimester of the pregnancy.Sesame-Seeds

Aloe Vera:

It plays a vital role in the several health benefits, but eating it during pregnancy is not safe as it contains anthraquinones which is the kind of laxative that may induce contraction of the uterus and pelvic bleeding It is necessary that during your second trimester do not consume aloe vera.Aloe Vera


Women must know what not to eat when pregnant to avoid miscarriage in second trimester drumsticks comprises alpha sitosterol which is detrimental to pregnancy, only in very small amount you can consume drumsticks.Drumstick


Do not consume them in very large amount when pregnant as it produces excessive heat in the body and leads to internal bleeding while consuming it in moderate amount make sure that you clean the skin as the hair present on it may cause burning and itching in the throat.Peaches

Wild Apples:

During the second trimester women must avoid eating them as they’re acidic and so in properties which may induce the uterus to contract and lead to premature labor or a miscarriage.Wild Apples

Below here are listed other foods also that are harmful and must not be consumed during the second trimester of the pregnancy, such as alcohol, caffeine, junk food, processed food, unwashed fruits and vegetables, raw sprouts, spices, seafood, eggs, poultry and mercury rich fish.

Can I Eat Almonds While Pregnant?

Moderation is the key to eat the food of your choice, it is safe and healthy to consume almonds during pregnancy, but it must be taken in a moderate amount, magnesium present in almonds regulates the body weight of mother and child it also contains folate required for the proper functioning of the brain as well as maintaining the nervous system. Fiber in almonds is an essential component. It helps in the proper digestion and vitamin E keeps the skin and hair healthy. Generally, women keep almonds out of the dietary list during pregnancy due to their high heat and fat content, but the truth is they are completely safe to consume during pregnancy If you are allergic to the nuts or almonds consume them after consulting with your doctor, do not over consume it as it may lead to premature delivery it is necessary that you eat them in a moderate amount the best way to consume almonds by a pregnant woman is to soak them in a water and peel the skin before consuming it.

Can I Eat Apple During Pregnancy?

Yes, you can eat apples during pregnancy as they provide several benefits, they contain Vitamin B complex, vitamin B6, riboflavin, dietary fiber, phytonutrients, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus consuming apples during pregnancy will help you make your child more intelligent consuming apples provides calcium aids in digestion, build your immune system it also contains anti-anemic properties. Apples during pregnancy promote a healthy heart overall. It is a powerful food that provides quick energy to food because of the carbohydrate content and they are also low in calories.

Can I Eat Avocado While Pregnant?

When you are pregnant, it is safe to consume avocados as they are rich in folate and potassium which is crucial for fetal growth and development of your baby. It is considered a superfood. They contain healthy fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids with incredible benefits for you and your unborn child. it also helps in digestion, prevents morning sickness, rich in antioxidants, treats anemia, provide relief from leg cramps, boost fetal brain development, lowers the risk of excessive weight gain, reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, there are numerous ways you can add avocado to your diet, such as add them to your smoothie, salad or toast you can use avocado as a topping, it is a perfect food for pregnancy.

Can I Eat Bacon While Pregnant?

It’s fine to eat bacon during pregnancy, but there are certain risk factors associated with eating bacon, it contains harmful pathogens like bacteria improper handling of bacon will lead to contamination problems which may cause sickness during pregnancy, the risk is higher as your immune system becomes weak and some jumps may get into the womb which may cause premature delivery, infection of the newborn, miscarriage or stillbirth. You can enjoy a few bites of bacon only if it is well cooked as modulation is the key to eating habits during pregnancy.

Can I Eat Banana During Pregnancy?

Bananas can be eaten throughout the pregnancy as they are rich in carbohydrates and provides required energy it gives a good boost to hemoglobin levels they are also good source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and fiber all these nutrients helps in the healthy development of the fetus in pregnant women consuming bananas provides relief from vomiting and nausea, gives quick energy boost, decreases the chances of birth defects in the baby, promotes baby’s development of nervous system provides relief from constipation, acidity, heartburn, maintain healthy skin and develops the bones properly. Bananas are perfectly safe to consume during pregnancy.

Can I Eat Biryani During Pregnancy?

You can eat Biryani occasionally in a small amount if it is homemade, avoid eating it from outside, as it may not be hygienic and contains lot of spices and may be unhealthy oil which may cause acidity and heartburn while eating chicken biryani make sure it is cooked properly if the meat is undercooked avoid consuming it as it may lead pregnancy health hazards.

Can I Eat Blueberries While Pregnant?

Blueberries an incredible source of vitamin k, vitamin c, magnesium, dietary fiber and copper it is a superfood that you can have during pregnancy as it keeps weight gain in check, strengthens immune system, reduces anxiety and stress, boost heart health, eating blueberries during pregnancy helps in the development of bones in the fetus prevents premature delivery reduces risk of low-birth-weight baby. If you are allergic to any type of berries, please consult your doctor before consuming them. Consuming anything in moderation helps in avoiding complications.

Can I Eat Bread During Pregnancy?

White bread is prepared from all-purpose flour which contains extra fat and gluten, which is hard to digest during pregnancy. It may not be fine for a pregnant woman. It is not a good option to eat during pregnancy. You can eat whole grain or wheat bread during pregnancy to feel energetic and healthy.

Can I Eat Broccoli While Pregnant?

Broccoli is considered as a super food during pregnancy as it contains several nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals that boosts your baby’s health it is safe to consume broccoli in a moderate amount it provides essential vitamins such as vitamin a, c, k b6, calcium and fiber. Eating broccoli provides good hemoglobin supplies, strengthens bone, prevents skin ailments, birth defects and boosts nutrient intake. Eating fruits provide beta-carotene that helps in maintaining vision, boosts immunity, regulates sugar levels, controls anemia and prevents constipation.

Can I Eat A Burger During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is advised to avoid consuming junk and processed food as it is unhealthy for the fetus in your womb. Craving for burgers during pregnancy is natural, but the answer is no, you cannot consume burgers from outside or any restaurant you can consume burger in a moderate amount if it is home cooked. Do not add meat or fish to your burger to avoid contamination, make your burger whole wheat buns and add fresh veggies to it. Consuming burger during pregnancy is not safe as it comprises of high fat meat and fattening properties which may cause unnecessary weight gain and cardiovascular problems if the burger is not prepared in a hygiene way it may lead to food poisoning, junk food is a concentrated diet, which brings negative effect to the health of baby do not make burgers a regular part of your diet when you are pregnant.

Can I Eat Butter During Pregnancy?

Eating butter in the right amount is fine during pregnancy. Anyone would crave for this delicious fat, consuming butter during pregnancy refreshes your skin and makes it glow. Butter provides energy that lowers the impact of hormonal issues, helps in regulating cholesterol levels in the body, but one must be careful while consuming butter during pregnancy. If a woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes or has a history of heart related problems or a woman is obese and overweight and at a risk of containing more weight due to over consumption of butter can lead to pregnancy complications in such cases it is better to avoid butter in your diet.

Can I Eat Cantaloupe While Pregnant?

Cantaloupe is safe to enjoy during pregnancy. It is delicious, nutritious and healthy. It is the super food for pregnant women it is low in calorie count and high nutrients and fiber but it is necessary for a pregnant woman to understand what not to eat during pregnancy eating fruit that is peeled and kept for a long time at room temperature must not be consumed as it may contain certain bacteria called list area which may cause food poisoning. Whereas consuming cantaloupe during pregnancy helps the mother and the baby in various ways, such as it improves immunity, helps in digesting food, prevents anemia, lowers leg cramps, prevents blood clots and also helps in preventing occurrence of neural tube defects in babies.

Can I Eat Carrot During Pregnancy?

It is safe to consume carrots during pregnancy. It contains vitamin A which is good for the fetus eye development, carrots contain a good amount of vitamin c which is beneficial for the immune system. During pregnancy consumption of carrots helps in the fetal development and the growth, it also contains a large amount of calcium, which is important for fetus bone and teeth formation, it prevents anemia, relieves constipation and prevents cramps in the legs. Vitamin b and folic acid from carrots helps in the development of the fetus.

Can I Eat Celery While Pregnant?

It is safe to eat celery during pregnancy, it contains essential minerals like sodium and potassium that helps in balancing fluid during pregnancy. It lowers the risk of water retention in the body. Consuming celery reduces the risk of stroke, heart related problems, lowers cholesterol levels and smoothens bowel movements that promotes healthy joints.
Can I eat cereal while pregnant?

Can I Eat Cheese During Pregnancy?

If the cheese is prepared from unpasteurized milk, it must be avoided during pregnancy as it may contain Listeria, which poses infection to the fetus that can lead to miscarriage stillbirth or make your newborn baby very unwell.

Can I Eat Cherries During Pregnancy?

Cherries are full of vitamin c and other nutrients that boost immunity in pregnant women eating cherries during pregnancy is safe. Vitamin c present in cherries helps in the growth of the fetus in the womb, a sweet and sour taste of cherries helps in dealing with nausea during pregnancy, the fiber content in cherries prevents constipation and smoothens and movements, eating cherries helps in improving the blood flow to the placenta that provides nutrition and oxygen to the brain, promotes sound sleep, the high-water content prevents dehydration in pregnant women.

Can I Eat Chicken During Pregnancy?

If the chicken is cooked properly to the core and a steaming hot while consuming it is safe to eat, pregnant women must not eat chicken if it is cold and processed though chicken is a good source of protein during pregnancy.

Can I Eat Chocolate During Pregnancy?

Consuming a few pieces of chocolate during pregnancy is safe to eat, 30 grams of chocolate every day during pregnancy benefits the fetal growth and development.

Can I Eat Chorizo While Pregnant?

If it is undercooked and raw it is best to avoid eating it raw, lightly cooked meat has a high risk of being contaminated with bacteria and other genes that may cause foodborne illness which will lead to toxoplasmosis it can affect you and your growing baby during pregnancy which can lead to miscarriage or birth abnormality.

Can I Eat Clams While Pregnant?

The Clamp is a seafood you can consume in moderate amounts if it is properly done. It is a seafood which is a rich source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids that helps and promotes the fetal growth and development.

Can I Eat Cold Cuts While Pregnant?

The Centers for Disease Control advises pregnant women to avoid eating hot dogs, lunch meals, cold cuts or fermented sausages unless they are heated to a temperature of 1 65-degree Fahrenheit until steaming hot just before serving. The risk of eating cold cuts is that it is contaminated with Listeria bacteria that can cause serious infection in the health of the baby and the mother.

Can I Eat Corn During Pregnancy?

Grains are healthy to consume during pregnancy, but in a moderate amount. It is a nutritious food and a healthy choice for a pregnant woman. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, contains vitamin c, dietary fiber and magnesium, consuming corns relieve you from constipation. It contains folic acid that reduces the risk of abnormality in the unborn baby. It promotes the brain development of the fetus, the antioxidants present improves the eyesight of the baby, prevents cancer and risk of tumors, boosts immunity and increases good cholesterol.

Can I Eat Cottage Cheese While Pregnant?

Cottage cheese is a rich source of protein, dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin b12 and phosphorus, which is an essential nutrient for a pregnant woman. Eating cottage cheese during pregnancy provides essential nutrients required on a daily basis

Can I Eat Cucumber In Early Pregnancy?

Cucumber is a superfood that keeps you hydrated for a long time. It has vitamins that elevate your mood and helps the baby grow better when you are in a good mood. Cucumber keeps your sugar levels in control and helps in regulating blood pressure levels. Before consuming cucumber during pregnancy make sure they are washed and treated properly.

Can I Eat Curry When Pregnant?

Eating curry or any hot dish may not affect the health of your unborn baby, it is safe to consume it in moderate amounts. The only problem you can face is indigestion and heartburn.

Can I Eat Dairy Milk Chocolate During Pregnancy?

It is perfectly fine to eat chocolate in moderate amounts throughout your pregnancy, it helps in improving the blood flow to the baby and the mother also reduces the risk of blood pressure and any complications.

Can I Have Deli Meat While Pregnant?

It is not safe to eat deli meat when pregnant as it easily harbors bacteria which can continue to grow even when refrigerated, it is better to stay off from deli meat throughout your pregnancy.

Can I Eat Eggplant While Pregnant?

Pregnant women must avoid consuming eggplant during the pregnancy as it contains large amounts of phytohormones that helps in causing premenstrual syndrome amenorrhea, preterm delivery and allergies.

Can I Eat Egg During Pregnancy?

Eating eggs during pregnancy is a healthy choice. It can be a part of your daily meal. It is rich in vital nutrients including choline, which is good for baby’s brain development. But make sure the eggs that you eat white and yolks are perfectly cooked. Eating raw, undercooked or runny eggs is not safe to consume. You get food poisoning, which can sicken your baby and infect the amniotic fluid leading to pregnancy complications.

Can I Eat Dry Fruits During Pregnancy?

Eating dry fruits in a recommended amount or in moderation is safe during pregnancy dry fruits provide vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins to the body. They easily satiate hunger. Eating dry fruits improves your immunity and helps in the development of the growing baby inside you.

Can I Eat Fast Food While Pregnant?

Craving for junk or fast food is natural in pregnancy, but going to be a mother soon you must know what food not to eat, fast food is prepared in too much oil and contains high amount of sodium which can spike your blood pressure levels fast food is generally prepared from refined flour, which is neither healthy for you nor the baby as it may increase the chance of gestational diabetes in pregnant women, avoiding fast food while pregnant is the best thing you do for your baby’s health.

Can I Eat Fish When Pregnant?

Fish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and other vital nutrients, eating fish twice a week is safe to consume, but you must ensure that it must not contain too much of mercury contamination which may cause harm to the fetus growing inside you, if the fish is contaminated it poses preterm labor, miscarriage or abortion.

Can I Eat Garlic While Pregnant?

Garlic is safe to consume during pregnancy, but make sure that you consume it in moderate quantities otherwise it may cause heartburn and stomach ache.

Can I Eat Grapefruit While Pregnant?

Grapefruit is safe to eat during pregnancy, it contains B complex vitamins, folate, fiber, calcium and potassium which are essential for the growth of the baby, but make sure that before eating the food it is washed properly and the peel is removed so that you may get rid of harmful microbes which may lead to foodborne illness.

Can I Eat Grapes While Pregnant?

Grapes are not safe to consume during the final trimester of the pregnancy as they are known to generate heat in the body which is not good for the mother and the child. Avoid consuming it in too much quantity so that you stay away from any pregnancy complications.

Can I Eat Ham While Pregnant?

Eating Ham during pregnancy is not safe as they are cured meat, eating any type of meat that is cooked properly and piping hot is safe to eat. Eating Ham during pregnancy may pose a risk of contamination.

Can I Eat Kiwi During Pregnancy?

Eating kiwi is safe during pregnancy, it contains a good amount of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and folic acid. Kiwi helps in preventing fetal growth defects helps expecting mothers absorb more iron from the food and prove essential by showing that a mother’s blood carries enough oxygen to the baby

Can I Eat Lamb While Pregnant?

Lamb is a great source of protein, zinc and iron it contains essential nutrients that every pregnant woman should get consuming lamb in an aggregate amount during pregnancy is safe, but you are an expecting mother and it’s your responsibility towards the fetus developing in your womb, you must make sure that it should not be raw or undercooked as it may pose a risk of toxoplasmosis which will lead to pregnancy complications

Can I Eat Lettuce While Pregnant?

Yes, you can enjoy eating lettuce during pregnancy, but make sure that it is nicely washed and chopped properly ascertain parasites and bacteria in lettuce may bring food borne such as toxoplasmosis eating lettuce promotes digestion lets you sleep soundly reduces cholesterol levels prevents cancer protects from microbial infections and minimizes anxiety. Moderation is the motivation that makes you eat food the keep to eat the food of your choice during pregnancy

Can I Eat Liver While Pregnant?

Eating even a small portion of a liver can be toxic for your baby as it contains a high dose of Vitamin A, your liver already has an excess amount of Vitamin A which is why it causes harm to your baby during pregnancy

Can I Eat Melon During Pregnancy?

Eating melons during pregnancy keeps you hydrated for a long period and helps in relieving constipation, reduces the risk of preeclampsia or Hemorrhoids, melon content contributes to the lowering risk of poor fetal growth, preterm delivery and birth defects.

Can I Eat Memos During Pregnancy?

It’s not very healthy to eat memos during pregnancy as it is made from refined flour which does not provide any essential nutrients to your body. Eating healthy food provides nourishment to the fetus whereas junk food imposes harmful effects to the health of your baby.

Can I Eat Mutton During Pregnancy?

Mutton is a source of all vital nutrients required during pregnancy, it is a good source of protein that it helps in the growth and development of fetus, it contains iron in extreme amount that keeps a tab on hemoglobin level and helps in the formation of red blood cells eating mutton helps in developing the immune system of the fetus and ensures the overall growth along with the cell division.

Can I Eat Nuts While Pregnant?

Yes, you can eat nuts during pregnancy, they are rich in folic acid, fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 which helps in the neural development of the baby, eating nuts is a healthy choice Vitamin E present in nuts helps in reducing the risk of diseases such as hypertension diabetes and oxidative stress.

Can I Eat Olives When Pregnant?

It is safe to eat Olive during pregnancy, it incredibly helps in the development of the fetus It contains a good amount of Vitamin E, copper, calcium, iron, water, fat, fiber and antioxidants consuming olives helps in preventing cancer, reduces blood sugar levels improves bone health protect your immune system, and makes skin glowing and beautiful.

Can I Eat Orange During Pregnancy?

Oranges are extremely beneficial during pregnancy. They keep you hydrated for a long time. Vitamin C present in oranges prevents cell damage and helps in absorption of iron from the food, eating oranges prevents neural tube defects and protects the brain and spinal cord abnormalities in a baby.

Can I Eat Oysters While Pregnant?

Oysters are safe to eat only if they are completely cooked, avoid eating raw oysters while being pregnant your body immune system weakens and when you consume something suspectable it may cause illness of food poisoning, which can cause harm to your baby and leads to complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth or premature delivery.

Can I Eat Paneer During Pregnancy?

Eating paneer during pregnancy is safe. It contains a good amount of calcium, protein, minerals and carbohydrates, proves beneficial for the health of the baby, it helps in strengthening the bones, plays a vital role in proper development and growth of the tissues and muscles.

Can I Eat Papaya During Pregnancy?

Eating papaya during pregnancy is unsafe, as it contains latex which can cause complications and contraction in the uterus, which can harm the baby and end your pregnancy.

Can I Eat Parma Ham When Pregnant During Pregnancy?

It is an uncooked meat that may contain several bacteria on its Parma ham meat may contain parasites that may cause toxoplasmosis leading to miscarriage, stillbirth or birth defects.

Can I Eat Pasta During Pregnancy?

Pasta has very less nutritional content if you crave a lot for pasta you can eat a homemade pasta avoid eating store bought pasta it may cause the growth of harmful yeast and bacteria in your stomach, which can cause indigestion, bloating and other digestive problems expecting mothers who have high blood pressure problems they must avoid eating pasta very frequently even gluten intolerant women must also avoid eating pasta as it is fully loaded with gluten, consuming pasta in excess spikes the blood sugar levels which way create tendency of gestational diabetes.

Can I Eat Pate When Pregnant?

Pregnant woman must ensure what not to eat when pregnant, you cannot eat pate when expecting a baby as it is unsafe and unhealthy it is made from meat and fish which contains higher levels of bacteria which can cause Listeria infection, pate is generally made from the liver which contains too much of retinol form of vitamin A which is extremely harmful for the health of the baby developing inside you that’s why pate must be avoided in your diet during pregnancy.

Can I Eat Pear During Pregnancy?

It is safe to consume pear during pregnancy this delicious sweet tasty fruit is rich in essential nutrients such as Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, fiber, copper, magnesium and folic acid while consuming it, make sure that it is nicely washed and eat it only after peeling the skin of pear to avoid bacteria present on its pear provides dense energy fights free radicals present in the cells.

Can I Eat Pineapple While Pregnant?

Consuming pineapple during pregnancy is quite tricky though it is a healthy choice. It is rich in vitamin C and other essential nutrients. Eat pineapple in a moderate amount such as a small bowl of pineapple or you can add a few chunks of pineapple to yogurt. There is a myth associated with pineapple that during pregnancy, older family members may advise you to not to eat pineapple as it contains the proteolytic enzyme called bromelain which may induce preterm labor or can cause miscarriage.

Can I Eat Poached Egg While Pregnant?

Is not safe to eat poached eggs during pregnancy, to kill any bacteria present in the food it is necessary that it is properly cooked. Do not eat the eggs unless it is firmly cooked, eating raw, undercooked eggs or half runny eggs can carry bacteria like salmonella, which can destroy your immune system and a pregnant woman may become more prone to food poisoning

Can I Eat Popcorn While Pregnant?

It is safe to eat popcorn during pregnancy because it contains various nutrients such as zinc, selenium, protein and fiber. It is also low in calories and fat. You can include popcorn in your pregnancy diet as a light snack. It’s good to eat plain popcorn instead of going for caramelized or shrimp popcorn so that you can avoid extra calories while eating shrimp you have to pay attention that it is fully cooked.

Can I Eat Pork While Pregnant?

Eating pork is safe to eat if it is cooked to the core, cooking meat thoroughly is important. It kills all the parasites, food craving is natural during pregnancy, but you are an expecting mother it is necessary that you must know what not to eat when pregnant. Pigs carry worms, hookworms and pinworms which are the dangerous species of the tapeworm. Undercooked pork can transfer these worms to your intestine consuming pink pork may bring you into contact with a parasitic disease called Trichinosis. Eating pork during pregnancy poses more loss than doing any good so it is better that you give up eating pork during your pregnancy period.

Can I Eat Prawns When Pregnant?

You can eat prawns during pregnancy if they are cooked properly, but avoiding seafood during pregnancy is a great option, seawater contains high level of mercury that adversely affects the fetus developing in your womb, though prawns are rich source of essential vitamins and mineral but there is no need of posing risk to the health of your baby and yourself.

Can I Eat Red Meat While Pregnant?

It’s not ok to eat raw or undercooked meat during pregnancy as it contains bacteria that can cause harm to you and your baby’s health. You may get infected with toxoplasma parasites through red meat which is a great source of protein, zinc and iron which are essential during pregnancy.

Can I Eat Rice While Pregnant?

Yes, you can eat rice during pregnancy as it is rich in several nutrients and vitamins, rice is a staple food in many parts of the world, it provides great source of energy it benefits in constipation, vitamin B present in rice helps in strengthening bones and teeth of the developing baby, improves immunity controls blood sugar levels, prevents the genital infection, controls blood pressure, helps in the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby.

Can I Eat Salad While Pregnant?

Consuming salad is a healthy diet but you must be sure that they are washed and not kept for a long time. You can eat pre-washed salad during pregnancy as you are an expecting mother it is necessary to take care of what not to eat during pregnancy make sure that salad is completely clean and peeled raw fruits and vegetables causes food poisoning diarrhea water borne diseases like hepatitis or typhoid if not washed properly.

Can I Eat Salmon When Pregnant?

Fish is a nutritious food that provides Omega 3 fatty acids iodine and selenium, eating salmon in a moderate amount is fine during pregnancy, it should not be eaten more than twice a week eating Salmon can be a good choice as it has low Mercury content and does not have a strong fishy taste to turn off your mood. During pregnancy make sure that you eat well cooked Salmon. Eating Salmon during pregnancy in excess may affect a child’s brain development. It is necessary that you eat fully cooked salmon, and avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. You can consume it twice or thrice a week, which helps in limiting mercury exposure.

Can I Eat Samosa During Pregnancy?

Samosa is a deep-fried food rich in oil which is not good for you, but you can eat samosas in pregnancy if you eat it in a moderate amount eating too much junk food can bring negative effect on your baby it can increase pregnancy-related symptoms such as heartburn, acidity, stretch marks, gestational diabetes and gastritis issues.

Can I Eat Sausage While Pregnant?

It is safe to include it in a pregnancy diet as long as it is cooked thoroughly and consumed in moderate amounts. Always consume sausages that are prepared fresh and made from short pieces of meat, eating sausages during pregnancy is not a healthy choice as it has bacteria which may cause side effects such as premature delivery, miscarriage, higher chances of contracting other diseases heartburn, pregnancy complications and an increase in the amount of sodium and fat in the body. If you Crave a lot for a sausage, consume it while it is piping hot and do not eat it when it is at room temperature avoid eating sausages that are not cooked well.

Can I Eat Scampi When Pregnant?

Yes, you can eat scampi during pregnancy if it is thoroughly cooked but it must not be your daily or regular meal. Cooking kills bacteria, viruses and other toxins present in scampi that can cause food poisoning unlikely causing harm to the growing baby.

Can I Have Seafood While Pregnant?

Variety of fish are found in deep sea water and oceans, but several of them may be highly contaminated with mercury, which can cause health hazards to the fetus developing inside you. Pregnancy differs from woman to woman. Some may be complicated and for some it may be easy, so it’s better to avoid having seafood while pregnant, though fish is a good source of high-quality protein, other essential nutrients and Omega 3 fatty acids. Avoid eating large fish like swordfish, sharks, king mackerel and tilefish. If you regularly consume fish high in Mercury during pregnancy, it can accumulate in your bloodstream over time and too much presence of mercury in the bloodstream can affect the development of the brain and nervous system of your baby.

Can I Eat Shawarma During Pregnancy?

Several Health Care providers and nutritionists will not advise you to eat shawarma during pregnancy as it is a heated product that contains harmful bacteria and parasites such as Listeria and Toxoplasma millions of harmful bacteria are found in Shawarma prepared in butcher’s shops which can cause food poisoning if the meat is not cooked properly, it may contain high number of bacteria. During pregnancy Sharma is not advisable to eat as it is rich in calories and contains saturated fats, which increases the cholesterol levels in blood and thickens arteries.

Can I Eat Shellfish While Pregnant?

Shellfish can be very nutritious for you if you eat fully cooked and it is sourced safely. It is a good source of lean protein and healthy choice during pregnancy. Do not eat it unless you are not sure from which source it has been obtained. Shellfish must be cooked properly to prevent illness from salmonella, pathogenic, e. Coli and noroviruses shellfish bought from trusted places is safe to eat, but if you have any of the selfish unmonitored areas, it can cause danger to the health of the baby and the mother. It’s best to avoid eating raw shellfish it can have harmful bacteria, viruses, or toxins in them which can cause food poisoning

Can I Eat Shrimp While Pregnant?

Including nutritious food to your plate is important for your baby’s growth and development, eating seafood must be your compulsory diet, but while being pregnant, it’s off the list you cannot eat it, but you can eat shrimp only if it is not your regular meal part, consume it in moderation that too twice a week. Seafood is highly contaminated with mercury that’s why it’s not advisable for pregnant women. Shrimp is a healthy food and it is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals good for the baby and mother, it helps in the fetal growth due to the high levels of protein. it also helps in lowering the risk of anemia during pregnancy, it contains iron that reduces the risk of anemia and helps with the blood supply to the baby and prevent premature birth it also contributes to the development of the nervous system and a good source of calcium that fulfill all the requirements of calcium required for your baby’s bone and teeth development.
Eating raw and uncooked shrimp is strictly not allowed as it may contain bacteria or viruses that may harm the health of the baby and the mother leading to miscarriage.

Can I Eat Spinach While Pregnant?

It is a healthy dark green leafy vegetable; it offers a variety of nutrients and is considered he that flatly during pregnancy it helps in the cognitive development of the baby. The presence of vitamin b in spinach improves your mood swings during pregnancy, it also prevents depression, anxiety and lowers stress levels. Consuming spinach helps in the growth of bones and teeth of the baby as calcium is an important mineral for bone and for the growth of the teeth you get 99 mg of calcium in 100 grams serving of spinach, other than providing calcium spinach also helps in preventing blood clots in the arteries and responsible for improving nerve muscle functions too. Spinach contains vitamin e that prevents free radical damage, improves vision and balance cholesterol levels in body during pregnancy, it is beneficial to eat cooked spinach during pregnancy to get vitamin e, spinach is very healthy to eat during pregnancy consuming anything in moderate is always good for your body do not consume it in excess keep your baby and yourself safe.

Can I Eat Strawberries While Pregnant?

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C that aids in the growth and development of the baby. These red tangy berries serve you several benefits, eating them during pregnancy helps to absorb the necessary amounts of iron from the food and also boosts your energy levels. It contains folic acid, which helps in preventing birth defects, it’s a good source of fiber, rich in antioxidants, vitamin C in strawberries boosts your immunity level and it also helps in building collagen levels. You are an expecting mother, you must be careful about your eating habits, strawberries, before consuming them to avoid any bacterial infection that can cause harm to your baby.

Can I Eat Sushi While Pregnant?

As soon as you find that you are pregnant, you must know what food not to eat during pregnancy, you can eat Sushi during pregnancy only if it is completely cooked vegetarian or vegan refrain yourself from eating any raw or undercooked meat specially fish you cannot eat sushi with fish due to mercury contamination. Pregnant women must not consume raw or smoked meat and also abstain from eating any animal product.
Sushi rolls must be avoided by pregnant women as there are high chances of passing Listeria infection to the fetus, which may lead to pregnancy loss, premature delivery, babies born with Listeria are among the highest risk of dying from it.

Can I Eat Sweets During Pregnancy?

Yes, you can eat sweets during pregnancy. It is natural to crave sweets. It’s fine to eat sweets until they’re eaten in moderate quantities. Avoid eating sugary food that has a lot of refined sugar, such as candies, cookies, cakes and soft drinks that provide no good to your body, excess sugar in the blood can spike blood sugar levels which may harm the baby developing inside you. It is highly recommended for pregnant women to consume healthy and nutritious food. Excess consumption of sugar spikes pregnancy symptoms such as vomiting, heartburn, headaches and mood swings.
Sugary foods are full of empty calories, which can make you tired and lethargic, eating too much sugary food leads to nutritional deficiency and excessive weight gain. Limit your sugar intake, avoid keeping high sugar products in your home and eat sweet fruits and take nutritious diet as much as possible.

Can I Eat Watermelon While Pregnant?

Eating watermelon during pregnancy goes both ways however the food is considered safe to consume during pregnancy as it is a hydrating food, rich in several essential nutrients but pregnant women must avoid consuming watermelon that has remained at room temperature for a long time to minimize the risk of food poisoning it also boost gestational diabetes, pregnant woman must refrain themselves from eating large portions of watermelon on the contrary consuming it regularly during pregnancy reduces the risk of preeclampsia constipation or hemorrhoid the water content present in watermelon lowers the risk of poor fetal growth, preterm delivery and birth defects

Can I Eat Yogurt When Pregnant?

When you are pregnant, you are responsible for two lives, one that is growing inside and the other one you yourself, pregnancy and food that’s a messy stuff for a pregnant woman, because you yourself may not know what do you want to eat as the mood swings are common pregnancy issues, the baby’s growth and development depends on what you are eating. Eating yogurt would cause no harm. It’s a healthy food that provides all the required protein and calcium. It’s safe as it is made from pasteurized milk and considered best, but it must be consumed within the expiry date.

Benefits Of Eating Yogurt During Pregnancy

  • It is rich in calcium and other important nutrients that help in the formation of teeth and bones of the fetus. Yogurt comes under the recommended dietary intake during pregnancy; it serves as a vital nutrient for the development of the baby. The Calcium present in yogurt also helps in the absorption of vitamin D.
  • The digestive content in the yogurt maintains the health of the intestines, it contains probiotic bacteria that helps in digestion of the food.
  • Consuming yogurt during pregnancy is very effective as it helps in lowering high blood pressure levels. During pregnancy blood pressure levels fluctuate, which can affect the baby and the mother in a negative way. In addition, intake of yogurt calms down the body and decreases cholesterol levels, which is why it is good for the heart as well.
  • It reduces stress and anxiety which is very common during pregnancy.

Bottom Line

Healthy eating is important for the growth and proper development of the fetus inside you, you nourish the baby from your external intake, eat fresh food, drink plenty of water, listen therapy music, practice small walks all this will keep you and your baby healthy, while eating you must know foods to avoid when pregnant. Eat food rich in vital nutrients such as iodine, iron, calcium, vitamins, folate and many others your energy requirements will increase as the pregnancy proceeds from second to third trimester.

Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg
An experienced, versatile content writer and a mother who is passionate for writing about everything from health to food, to fitness, to beauty and beyond.

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