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HomeQuotes and MemesDon't Be Afraid Of Friday The 13th - It's Just Another Day...

Don’t Be Afraid Of Friday The 13th – It’s Just Another Day To Make Memes!

Friday the 13th memes have become a popular part of the internet culture. For generations, we have considered Friday the 13th to be an ominous day. It is considered to be unlucky and bad. Friday the 13th is the thirteenth day of a month, which usually occurs once a year, but can occur up to three a year as well. The Origin of this belief comes from various cultures but the most popular ones are the Norse myth and the Christian associations.

According to the Norse Myth, twelve gods were having a dinner party in Valhalla. But God Loki, the trickster God who was not invited arrived at the 13th guest. He arranged Höor to shoot Balder with a mistletoe-tipped arrow. After Balder’s death, the whole earth grew dark and everyone mourned. It was thus a bad and unlucky day. In Christian superstition, the day is associated with the story of Jesus’ last supper and his crucifixion in which there were thirteen individuals present in the Upper Room on the 13th of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night before Jesus died.

However, one shouldn’t fear this day. It sure was feared back in the day, but we hardly have enough reason to fear it anymore. But if you need a little help to get rid of your fear, we have a few Friday the 13th Memes For you.

Friday The 13th Memes

This Friday the 13th Meme is a very humorous one. It shows the inner thoughts of a little black kitten. The kitten is probably shown to be black because black cats are considered to be ominous. The meme helps one to see beyond superstition and have a laugh. Kittens are usually very jumpy and mischievous animals. They do whatever they want and do not like to listen to anybody. The little black kitten in the meme is similar to most kittens. It has just realized that it’s Friday the 13th. The kitten most probably is aware that the day is considered bad and unlucky and has thus decided to blend in with the day’s theme. It has decided to be evil since it’s Friday the 13th. It is funny because a little black kitten cannot do things we consider, ‘evil’. The kitten is probably just plotting to throw some glasses off the table, playfully bite its friends, and steal food that is not given to it. The meme is a light-hearted way to show us that there is truly nothing to fear about Friday the 13th.

  1. “Friday the 13th? More like Friday the FUNday!”
  2. “Good luck on this spooky Friday the 13th!”
  3. “Happy Friday the 13th, hope you don’t get too scared!”
  4. “Don’t worry, Friday the 13th is just an unlucky myth!”
  5. “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m feeling lucky!”
  6. “Watch out for those Friday the 13th superstitions!”
  7. “Don’t be scared, it’s just Friday the 13th!”
  8. “Friday the 13th? No worries, just enjoy the day!”
  9. “Friday the 13th: It’s just another day!”
  10. “Don’t let Friday the 13th get you down, celebrate it instead!”

Friday The 13th Memes For Work

This meme on Friday the 13th is one related to the workspace. Since the day is considered to be unlucky, many do not wish to work on this day. But not everyone can get a day off work on this day. Thus the wish for Friday the 13th to be a holiday remains. And in this meme, the boss suggests his employees celebrate Friday the 13th by slashing the workload violently in half and going home early. It is a funny way to talk about the day as no one likes to work and wants to go home early. A lot of people associate the day with violence such as murder. Others associate it with something paranormal. “Violently slashing our workload” makes light of the superstitious people have with the day being connected to violence. Besides, this is a meme because no boss will really suggest something like this in the workplace, especially in this manner.

  1. When you hear it’s Friday the 13th 🤦‍♀️
  2. Friday the 13th, but it’s Friday so 🤩
  3. Don’t be scared, it’s just Friday the 13th 🤷‍♂️
  4. Friday the 13th, so let’s get spooky 🎃
  5. Friday the 13th, better watch out 🧟‍♀️
  6. It’s Friday the 13th, time to get lucky 🍀
  7. Friday the 13th, prepare for the worst 🤭
  8. Friday the 13th, don’t be superstitious 🤨
  9. Friday the 13th, it’s time to be brave 💪
  10. Friday the 13th, better stay inside 🏠

Funny Friday The 13th Memes

This meme is a very funny one. It is something that probably everyone will find relatable. Here the meme says that Friday the 13th might be a bad, ominous day, but it is still better than any Monday. Mondays are not loved. As soon as the fun of the weekend ends, we have to go back to the same routine on Monday. It is something almost all of us dislike. Mo day means the start of the week, a week long routine of going to school, college, and work. Friday on the other hand means the last day of the working week. In most places in the world, the weekend begins on Friday night once people are done with school, college or work. Hence, Fridays are always loved more. Friday the 13th might be considered bad, but it’s still a Friday. It still means the end of the working week and the start of a fun, relaxing weekend. The meme makes people laugh as they can relate to how much Mondays suck and how the date being the 13th doesn’t affect the joy Fridays bring. 

  1. Friday the 13th: The Unlucky Day of the Week
  2. When Friday the 13th happens, I just stay in bed all day
  3. When Friday the 13th comes around, I just don’t worry about it
  4. Friday the 13th? Just another day to me
  5. Friday the 13th? Let’s just pretend it’s not happening
  6. When Friday the 13th comes around, I just shrug it off
  7. Friday the 13th? I don’t believe in superstition!
  8. Friday the 13th? Just another day to be awesome!
  9. Friday the 13th? I’m still gonna have a great day!
  10. Friday the 13th? I’m gonna make it a lucky day!

Happy Friday The 13th Memes

This one is a happy Friday the 13th meme because it focuses on how normal the day is and how one should not fear it. The meme tells people to not be scared and drink wine. It is a very casual way of saying, “Do what you would normally do on a Friday because there is nothing to be scared of”. Normally, people party on a Friday or relax at home. For adults, the latter usually consists of drinking wine and spending time with friends and family. Thus, the meme suggests one just lays back and drink their wine while they have a good Friday. Whether it’s Friday the 13th or any other  Friday, their plans should not change. Besides, there is a clear message that one shouldn’t let a superstition spoil the start of their weekend. They should enjoy despite what date it is. It is also a happy one as it tells you to not be scared, something that a lot of people need to hear before they can get rid of their superstitions.

  1. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t bring an umbrella.
  2. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t walk under ladders.
  3. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t break mirrors.
  4. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t open umbrellas indoors.
  5. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t step on cracks in the sidewalk.
  6. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t cross a black cat’s path.
  7. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t put new shoes on the table.
  8. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t walk under a ladder with a full moon.
  9. Friday the 13th: the day when you don’t count your change before paying.

Cute Friday The 13th Memes

Since Friday the 13th is considered to be an unlucky day, it is important to see some cute memes on the day. It helps one see beyond the ominous aspect of superstition. This meme is thus a very good way to cheer one up and make you say, “Aww, that’s so sweet”. In the meme, a ginger kitten is hugging a black kitten and telling it that they are not bad luck. It also tells the black kitten to not listen to the ones who say they are bad luck. Black cats (and kittens) are often considered ominous by people of different cultures. But this is a superstition that has no logic behind it. There is no reason to fear black cats like there is no reason to fear Friday the 13th. It is a cute gesture that the ginger kitten hugs and comforts the black one because everyone says it’s unlucky. The meme further sends a message that not all things that have superstitions associated with them are not ominous.

  1. It’s Friday the 13th! Time to cuddle up with a horror movie and some snacks 🍿
  2. Friday the 13th but I’m still cute and unbothered 🤷‍♀️
  3. Friday the 13th but I’m still here looking fabulous 💁
  4. Friday the 13th, but I’m still feeling cute and lucky 🍀
  5. Friday the 13th, but I’m still too cute to be scared 🤗
  6. “Friday the 13th? More like Cute Friday the 13th!”
  7. “If Friday the 13th is cute, then I’m all for it!”
  8. “If it’s Friday the 13th and cute, then I’m definitely in!”
  9. “Cute and Friday the 13th? What a combination!”
  10. “Friday the 13th gets an upgrade with some cuteness!”

Jason Friday The 13th Memes

If you keep up with pop culture, you must have heard of the film franchise, Friday the 13th. It is a series of films where people get murdered at Lake Crystal by a man called Jason.  He keeps killing for years and has killed over a hundred and sixty people. The reason why Jason kills is to avenge the death of his mother Pamela. The meme here makes light of the incidents in the movies. They are just movies and should be treated that way. One shouldn’t fear Friday the 13th because of what they saw in movies.

In the movie, it is Friday the 13th when Jason kills people. The movie suggests that Jason likes to kill. And thus, Friday the 13th is a happy day for him. He gets to hunt down his victims and kill them. The meme shows that while others are terrified of the day, Jason isn’t and is actually looking forward to it. For him, it is going to be a great day as he can terrify people and kill them.

  1. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m Ready to Slay!”
  2. Jason: “It’s Time to Make Friday the 13th Unlucky for Someone Else!”
  3. Friday the 13th: “If You See Jason, Run!”
  4. Jason: “I’m Here to Make Friday the 13th a Day You’ll Never Forget!”
  5. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th, and I’m Feeling Lucky!”
  6. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m Ready to Scare!”
  7. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m Ready to Make Some Mischief!”
  8. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m Ready to Make Some Memories!”
  9. Friday the 13th: “Don’t Be Foolish – Be Careful or Jason Will Get You!”
  10. Jason: “It’s Friday the 13th and It’s All About Me!”

Friday The 13th Birthday Memes

As we have said a few times before, Friday the 13th is considered to be an ominous day. That is why many people don’t want their birthday to fall on this day. Birthdays are meant to be happy days of celebration, not something to be scared of. But in reality, even if your birthday does fall on Friday the 13th, it makes no difference. You can still have fun. In the meme, a man addresses a person whose birthday has fallen on Friday the 13th and a full moon. All of these are considered bad luck. But the man still wishes to send a gift and says he will send them a black cat. He is again talking about something that is thought to be ominous, but has no real reason for it. It is funny because this man is wishing well and sending a gift even after mentioning how ominous the day is considered to be. Any person who sees that this day is not to be feared will be quite happy to get a black cat as a gift.

  1. When your birthday falls on Friday the 13th and you just shrug it off like it’s no big deal 🤷‍♀️
  2. Celebrate Friday the 13th birthday with caution 🧟‍♂️
  3. When you have a Friday the 13th birthday, but you know it’s gonna be a lucky one 🍀
  4. No fear, it’s just a Friday the 13th birthday 🙅‍♀️
  5. Celebrate your Friday the 13th birthday like a true horror fan 🎃
  6. Let’s make this Friday the 13th birthday one to remember ✨
  7. When your Friday the 13th birthday falls on a full moon 🌕
  8. It’s just another Friday the 13th birthday, but at least it’s your special day 🎉

Friday The 13th Teacher Memes

The job of a teacher is to teach students what is right or wrong, and teach them values and morals. In day-to-day life, teachers are the ones who also teach students, their syllabus and help them understand their texts. But students tend to give their teachers a hard time. They don’t pay attention in class, forget to do their homework, and are not always obedient. Hence, a teacher’s job becomes very hard. This meme here tells us that Friday the 13th might be considered scary, but it is not as scary as a classroom filled with children (aka students). A classroom of children is very mischievous and disobedient. It is a chore to make them listen to you and do their work. They are often very talkative and loud. Almost every teacher struggles to manage a classroom of children. Thus, while Friday the 13th is considered an ominous day, it is not really one. The real fear comes from having to deal with a classroom of children that refuse to listen to their teachers. 

  1. “It’s Friday the 13th, which means I have to teach my class? 😱
  2. “Happy Friday the 13th! Let’s make today’s lesson extra spooky!”
  3. “Did you know that Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day? Let’s get to work and prove them wrong!”
  4. “Good morning, class! Let’s make this Friday the 13th a lucky one!”
  5. “Let’s make sure we all stay safe and smart today – it’s Friday the 13th!”
  6. “Friday the 13th is here! Let’s make sure we keep our wits about us in class today!”
  7. “Let’s make today a day to remember – it’s Friday the 13th!”
  8. “Friday the 13th is here! Let’s make the most of it by learning something new!”
  9. “Friday The 13th? Oh, don’t worry, it’s just superstition. Now, let’s get back to learning!”
  10. “It’s Friday The 13th and I’m feeling brave enough to teach this class!”

Hilarious Friday The 13th Memes

There is a lot of hype and fear around Friday the 13th. So much so that they forget that it’s just a normal day. Just because there is superstition associated with it doesn’t mean something bad will happen to you. And because people give it so much importance, they forget that they still have to live their daily lives on this Friday. They also forget that the next day is also another normal day. This kind of hyper fixation does not make sense to people who have let go of their fears. The person in the meme seems to be someone like that. He doesn’t get the hype around Friday the 13th and is reminding people that the day after is Saturday the 14th. This statement will obviously make one think about what is so special about Saturday the 14th only for them to realize that it’s just another Saturday. It is a hilarious meme because it makes fun of superstitious people by making them think the 14th is to be feared too only to realize later that there is nothing to fear about any of these two days. 

  1. Friday the 13th: The only day you’re actually allowed to call your boss a jinx.
  2. “Friday the 13th? I’m already fully equipped to handle the spooky vibes.”
  3. “Friday the 13th? Nothing a few extra garlic cloves, crosses, and holy water can’t fix!”
  4. “Friday the 13th? Let’s party like it’s ’80s slasher movie night!”
  5. Friday the 13th? That’s just a day to meme! 🤣
  6. When you wake up on Friday the 13th and it’s still 2023 🙃
  7. Friday the 13th? More like Friday the Memeth! 🤣
  8. When your Friday the 13th plans involve watching horror movies and eating pizza 🍕
  9. Friday the 13th? No thanks, I’m more of a Friday the Fun-day type of person! 🤗

Friday The 13th Coffee Memes

Coffee is a very vital part of our daily routine. It wakes us up in the morning and gives us the energy to go through the day. Many of us cannot properly function without our cup of morning coffee. We are irritable, cranky, and hate engaging in conversations. You will notice how some people say not to talk to them before they have had their morning coffee. It is because if you do talk to them before that, they will react badly, probably scream at you or say something rude. This meme here is the representation of that. It says people are afraid because the person has not had their coffee. They can be very dangerous if someone hits the wrong nerve by mistake. Besides, it’s Friday the 13th and if you piss someone off by talking to them before they had coffee, it can be a very unlucky thing for you.

  1. Friday the 13th coffee: Too hot to handle!
  2. Brew up some luck with Friday the 13th coffee!
  3. It’s a dark and scary day, so make sure you’re caffeinated with Friday the 13th coffee.
  4. Get spooked and stay awake with Friday the 13th coffee!
  5. Break the superstition with Friday the 13th coffee!
  6. May luck be in your cup with Friday the 13th coffee!
  7. The luckiest coffee in town: Friday the 13th coffee!
  8. Brew your Friday the 13th with a strong cup of coffee!

Friday The 13th Memes For Kids

Adults are not the only ones who fear Friday the 13th. Children are very susceptible to fear this day as well. If a child grows up in an environment where Friday the 13th is considered to be a day of bad luck and misfortune, they might end up being afraid of the day. But we as the adults around them should try our best to remove this fear. We can’t do that overnight, but it can be done by having a productive conversation and by showing them memes about the day.  For instance, this meme shows a man who tells you that Friday the 13th is just a normal day. “What if I told you Friday the 13th is a normal day?” is a very sarcastic and funny way to tell kids that there is nothing to fear about the day. And smart kids will see the humor in it, laugh about it, and soon realize that they do not need to fear Friday the 13th.

  1. Friday the 13th: Don’t Mess With Jason!
  2. Friday the 13th: Don’t Go Camping Unless You Want To Die!
  3. Friday the 13th: Never Trust A Masked Man!
  4. Friday the 13th: Lock Your Doors!
  5. Friday the 13th: Don’t Go Into The Woods Alone!
  6. Friday the 13th: Watch Out For Machete-Wielding Psychos!
  7. Friday the 13th: Don’t Mess With The Hockey Mask!
  8. Friday the 13th: Beware Of The Killer!
  9. Friday the 13th: Don’t Go Near The Lake!
  10. Friday the 13th: Don’t Look Behind You!

Sexy Friday The 13th Memes

One can see Friday the 13th in a sexy way as well to forget the ominous effect around it. This meme is for adults. It is of a sexy devilish lady sitting in a seductive pose. And beside her is a page that says, “Lucky Friday the 13th”. This is the opposite of how the day is perceived. It is a fun way to talk about the day. The attractive woman with devil horns and a black cat beside it should make one scared, but instead makes one think of something sexual. The day is said to be lucky here because whoever gets seduced by her will have a great day and will indeed be lucky. It is a good meme as it completely ignores the fear associated with Friday the 13th. And it is sexy as it focuses on a sexy, seductive lady trying to make someone lucky on a presumed unlucky day. It is the perfect meme to share with your partner on Friday the 13th. 

  1. “Let’s get spooked on this sexy Friday the 13th!”
  2. “Don’t worry, Friday the 13th is always sexier with me around!”
  3. “Been waiting all week for this sexy Friday the 13th!”
  4. “Let’s make some Friday the 13th magic!”
  5. “Let’s bring the sexy back on this Friday the 13th!”
  6. “Friday the 13th is always better with a little sexy!”
  7. “Let’s make this Friday the 13th one to remember!”
  8. “Ready to make this sexy Friday the 13th a night to remember!”
  9. “Let’s turn up the sexy this Friday the 13th!”
  10. “Hotter than Jason’s hockey mask on this sexy Friday the 13th!”

Best Friday The 13th Memes

We would like to think that the memes we have listed till now we’re good and that they made you laugh. However, this one is a strong contender for the best Friday the 13th meme. It is also a very popular one. This meme is from The Office. It is the scene where Michael Scott says, I’m not superstitious, I’m a little stitious”. It is an extremely funny one because he is trying to say he is a little superstitious, but thinks ‘little stitious’ is the opposite of superstitious. Michael is in denial here and trying to say he doesn’t believe much in superstitions when in reality he does. If one watches the show, it’s evident that Michael isn’t always sure of himself and what he believes in. This is similar to a lot of people they are not that superstitious about Friday the 13th just so people will think they are cool. But in reality, they do fear the day. We think this is the best one as it is an honest mistake on Michael’s part that makes the statement so funny.

  1. “Friday the 13th? That’s nothing. I have a Monday the 25th to worry about.”
  2. “Today is Friday the 13th and that means one thing. No superstitions allowed!”
  3. “Today’s forecast: 100% chance of spooky vibes.”
  4. “Friday the 13th? I’m not superstitious, I’m just a little stitious.”
  5. “It’s Friday the 13th. Let’s get spooky!”
  6. “Today is Friday the 13th, so expect the unexpected”
  7. “When it’s Friday the 13th, nothing can go wrong…right?”
  8. “Friday the 13th: the day of spooky surprises”
  9. “Friday the 13th: the day to stay inside and hide”
  10. When you wake up and it’s Friday the 13th

Friday The 13th Game Memes

Friday the 13th has its own game and a lot of people out there like to play it. Like many games with violence in it, this one has gory images as well. And when you play the game, you get to be Jason himself. That is a fun experience if you are not scared of the character or the idea of Friday the 13th. The meme shows how someone wants to play Jason in the game, but the knowledge of who Jason is stops them from it. If you have watched all the movies in the Friday the 13th Franchise and are superstitious about the day, you might even think that playing Jason will make him come after you. That is what the meme is about. The person here, who wants to play the game as Jason is scared by the idea of the character and the things the character can do. It is not easy to play such a violent character who is hell-bent on killing people ruthlessly.

  1. “Friday the 13th? Time to hide in the closet and hope Jason doesn’t find me!”
  2. “Friday the 13th? No camping trip for me this weekend!”
  3. “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m ready for some spooky gaming!”
  4. “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m armed with nothing but a flashlight and some courage!”
  5. “It’s Friday the 13th and I’m keeping all the lights on!”
  6. “Friday the 13th? Let’s see if I can survive Jason’s wrath!”
  7. “Friday the 13th? Time to go on a survival mission!”
  8. “Friday the 13th? Here we go again!”
  9. “It’s Friday the 13th! Who’s ready to slay some monsters?”
  10. “Friday the 13th? Time to outsmart Jason and make it out alive!”

Friday The 13th Drinking Memes

Multiple people find it hard to deal with a day like Friday the 13th. They might have grown up in an environment where the day was considered very yucky and ominous. Despite their reasons, they find it hard to go through the day. Some try to distract themselves and some drink their way through the day. The woman in the meme is doing the same. She is probably anxious about the day, scared something bad is going to happen. And because of that, she decides to ignore everything else and just drink. Drinking will make her forget about the misfortune associated with the day and she will be able to go through the day. It is funny because no one can really spend a Friday drinking cause they still have what they always do on a weekday. But someone who is scared of the day can surely hope to have a chill Friday the 13th by drinking. 

  1. Step right up for a spooky Friday the 13th cocktail!
  2. Friday the 13th is just an excuse to have an extra drink.
  3. It’s Friday the 13th and time to get cree-piters!
  4. Bottoms up for a frightful Friday the 13th.
  5. Get ready to have a boozy Friday the 13th!
  6. Who needs a horror movie when you can have a Friday the 13th drinking night?
  7. Pour yourself a glass of courage for Friday the 13th.
  8. Shake, stir, and scream–it’s Friday the 13th!

Final Thoughts

We have come to the end of our list for Friday the 13th Memes. The list we provide some of the funniest and most relatable memes we found for you. After going through the list, we hope you will no longer be scared by the idea of Friday the 13th and live it normally. It is just another day that used to be considered ominous, but in the modern world, we have no real reason to be scared of it.

What did you think of these memes? Which one was your favorite? Tell us in the comments below.


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