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HomeHealthHow Long Is The Flu Contagious

How Long Is The Flu Contagious

Flu is commonly known as influenza, also referred to as a viral infection that impacts your respiratory system. The symptoms rise from mild to severe, such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, and fatigue.

Flu can be very risky if you have any serious health conditions. It is very contagious, and anyone can easily get infected; the infection spreads easily from one person to another.

Its spread isn’t very complicated. If you are infected, you can easily infect the other person; when you cough or sneeze, the droplets spread, and other people breathe them in. The droplets can land on any surface and are easily caught through things like doorknobs or shopping carts, infecting people who touch them.

The respiratory droplets spread easily from the infected person through sneezing, which can cause flu symptoms and lead to serious infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, and even death.

What Are The Causes Responsible For The Contagious Flu

The influenza virus is responsible for the contagious flu, the most common type of viruses are  A, B and C. In fact, people thought there would be seasonal prevention types that affect people largely in the winter season. People experience symptoms of flu during the seasonal influenza. Type C influenza isn’t seasonal. It does not show any symptoms, but the virus may cause discomfort that affects you. However, the important aspect is that you must protect yourself from type A and B viruses by getting the flu vaccines. The type C virus does not have any immunization.

how long is the flu contagious

Symptoms Of Flu/Influenza

When you are caught up with an infection, you will begin noticing the symptoms along with discomfort in your body.

At first, you will feel cold with a runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. As time, your cold can be miserable, and you may feel much worse with the flu.

Cough, headache, shortness of breath, tightness, weakness, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and body pain are some common flu symptoms in a few cases, especially in children. Vomiting and diarrhea are also the symptoms of the flu

Let’s read some more symptoms of the flu

  • fever
  • chills
  • body ache
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • congestion in the chest
  • difficulty in breathing

How Long Is The Flu Contagious

Before learning the period of contagiousness, you must learn about the incubation period. It is the time when a person gets exposed to infection, and the symptoms begin to occur within 2 days and continue from 1 to 4 days. You can spread the infection from day one, even when you can’t recognize that you are contagious.

Your flu can remain contagious for a long duration of 7 to 10 days after getting exposed to the virus. So when you get infected, you will experience symptoms of flu such as fever and body aches. These symptoms may arise within 24 hours to 4 days of being getting infected.

As you are infected now, you are capable of transferring the virus to the other person. This is the period when you remain most contagious with the virus, so you must follow precautionary measures to prevent its spread.

You can easily spread the infection or the virus to others even before knowing that you yourself are sick. You can also get affected by stomach flu as well quite a time.

Read more to know how long does stomach flu lasts. Know its symptoms, causes and precautions to stay alert.


The Effects of Flu in Children

When children are contagious with the flu, proper care is required, though most of the time, the flu gets better at home. The flu infection spreads commonly through common symptoms such as sneezing and coughing. Children are easy carriers, and the infection spreads to their belongings, such as toys, stationery items, electronic devices in their control, and their studying area. It may also get spread through sharing food, hugging and shaking hands.

How long is the flu contagious also depends on your immune system. If you are a healthy person, you must heal faster than a person with a weak immune system. Children suffering from flu should stay home from regular activities like school, playground, and other group routines until they feel better.   Nothing can make you feel better when your child is unwell. Seek medical consultation from your doctor to provide the best care to your child as they need proper care, especially when they are high with a fever; some kids may take more than usual time to get well.

Doctors may prescribe antiviral medicine in severe cases, especially for kids who are ill with more serious symptoms. The medicine can reduce the duration by 1–2 days. It may take time for medicine to show its effect. When your doctor prescribes antiviral medicine for the patient, it is necessary that you ask about any side effects of the medicine. Doctors generally prescribe antibiotic medicines for the flu, as antibiotics work only on bacteria, not viruses.

Insights Into The Silent Spreading of Flu

Flu is considered highly contagious and affecting disease. According to the CDC, the flu can spread up to about 6 feet away. Some people can get infected with the flu even without showing any symptoms. A lot of people get affected by the flu every season, and millions of people carry the flu without feeling sick. You can still spread the virus even if you are not showing any symptoms.

Duration of the Contagiousness of Flu

The flu can last up to 10 to 12 days, depending on the individual’s immune system. The influenza virus is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can infect people of different age groups. The severity depends on the symptom of the flu ranging from mild in some people it could be Life threatening  depending on their age and medical condition.

Influenza virus can survive on surfaces such as door knobs, walls, newspapers, plastics, etc. for up to 24 hours; the virus gets transmitted to these surfaces if not handled well especially avoid them with naked hands, wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes with infected hands.

People with you remain contagious for 3 to 4 days after the illness develops. In some cases, people may catch the virus one day before symptoms appear, and up to 7 days after becoming sick, people who have been sick or are under medical conditions remain contagious for more than 7 days, or it may take a longer time to heal.

Some viruses take the form of epidemics; the flu is one among many epidemics. An epidemic is an unexpected or sudden spread of an illness or infection to a community or a region at the same time. The epidemics sometimes have a severe impact on people’s health and turn into pandemics where the illness or infection spreads worldwide, hitting international borders and affecting a large number of people. There are a few examples of the influenza pandemic 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, the 1968 flu pandemic, and the most recent one, the 2019 – 2021 COVID-19 pandemic.

Who Are Considered At Higher Risk From Flu

Flu is an infectious disease anyone can get it, people are at higher risk when they are contagious with a influenza virus but there are people who are more likely to get ill with the virus, they may develop severe symptoms. Let’s read below and find who are at higher risk of severe illness from flu.

  • Babies and children
  • Aged people who are more than 65 years of age
  • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy
  • People who suffer from chronic illnesses such as asthma, kidney, liver disease, diabetes, obesity, blood disorder immune compromise and other chronic conditions in children and adults that require regular medical attention or hospitalization.

How Can You Prevent Seasonal Flu

If you stay aware each season, you can prevent yourself from getting the flu; firstly, get yourself a shot of flu vaccine each year. You can recommend this to your friends and family members; this helps in reducing the flu-related complications and illnesses that can result in hospitalization.

It’s highly recommended to follow preventive measures to save yourself from sickness, like maintaining hygiene and covering your mouth and nose to prevent the spread of germs that can attack your respiratory system.

how long is the flu contagious

How To Treat Yourself If You Are Affected By Flu?

Usually, plenty of rest, good sleep, a healthy diet, and care help in treating the flu, but if you have a prolonged infection, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat the flu. There are various medicines like Doxycycline, that can help you to get rid of any bacterial infections.

Read more to know How Long Does It Take For Doxycycline To Work For Bacterial Infection. You can also try some home natural remedies to get rid of the flu

Drink plenty of fluid to maintain the balance of hydration, water keeps your respiratory system lubricated and helps to get rid of mucus easily. You can consume water sports drinks, coconut water, herbal tea, fresh juice, and soup to maintain fluid balance.

Apply essential oils that protect against certain bacteria and viruses and help stop their growth. Tea tree oil is considered best for this, but here are other essential oils on the list that equally help you get rid of the virus, such as peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, etc.

Diffusing Essential oil in the air also helps attack the viruses for a long time.

Eat a bland diet if you have a stomach infection, you can eat a small amount of food at a time, and bland food is easier to digest and easy on your stomach symptoms you can eat crackers, cooked cereals, boiled potato, and grilled or boiled chicken soup.

Learn more about how long does food poisoning last if caused by any stomach infections to get treatments accordingly.

How Long Does The Flu Last?

When you get hit by any health hazard, it takes time to recover. You may suffer from fever and other flu symptoms, but they usually go away in seven to ten days. A few symptoms may be prolonged in a few people. They may have a cough or may feel weak for fewer days. When you are hit with the flu, it will last for 10 to 12 days whether you feel sick or not.

How To Prevent Myself From The Contagious Flu

You already know that prevention is better than cure. Following simple measures can help you to prevent yourself from the flu, but there is no guarantee. The best way to prevent yourself from  it is to get the influenza vaccine. These vaccines can be given to 6 months of age to an older person each year. You may get this vaccine before the end of October as the virus remains at its peak in this season. If you have been vaccinated previously, you can get it later, or while the flu is around, several healthcare providers can give you a vaccine shot.

You must also practice healthy habits to avoid the flu. The most common way the flu spreads is by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with germ-full hands. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water for 30 seconds. You can also carry a sanitizer along with you, especially while traveling in a public place.

wash hands

Do not roam around if you are sick. Maintain a distance from a person who has already caught the flu.

How Long The Flu Lasts: Depending On Age

It is infectious the day before the symptoms start. Mostly adults are infectious within the first 3 to 5 days of the infection, and children remain infected for 7 to 10 days. Young children and people with serious conditions can be infectious for a long period of time

Well, there is a dependency on several factors for how long is the flu contagious all you can do is be aware and take important precautions to prevent spreading the flu, such as covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, washing your hands frequently, and staying home from work or school until you have recovered.

How To Help Someone Affected By The Flu?

In this situation, you can guide the person who is suffering from the flu. If anyone in your family has flu, then inform them of the below-mentioned measures that prevent the spread of infection:

  • If you are a working person, then take leave and stay home until you are completely fine.
  • Be a couch potato and take a rest
  • Do not share your belongings with another person or family member.
  • Stay hydrated, drink plenty of fluids
  • Regularly monitor your symptoms. If you don’t feel well, rush immediately for medical help.
  • Keep your mouth and nose covered while sneezing or coughing. Always be handy with tissue paper and dispose of them carefully in the trash bin.
  • If there is no tissue paper or handkerchief around, then cough or sneeze into your upper arms, not in your hands.
  • Maintain your hygiene and cleanliness.

If you have to leave home even if you are infected, then wear proper clothing, cover your mouth with a mask, and avoid contact with people who are at higher risk of severe illness.

Following precautionary steps is the best way to avoid contagiousness. You can seek medical health guidance from your healthcare professional.

Debalina Sengupta is a passionate content writer with a love for crafting engaging and informative narratives. With an SEO and content management background, she has developed her skills to deliver written content across various domains. She likes to explore all niches, Whether for creating captivating blog posts, compelling articles, or persuasive copy. With creative hobbies like painting, sketching, and writing personal blogs, she found her way into content writing. Debalina is currently working in a renowned Digital marketing agency based in Delhi.

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