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HomeGuides and TipsHow To Get Rid Of Hickeys?

How To Get Rid Of Hickeys?

What are hickeys or love bites

Love bites laid by your partner on body parts are also known as a hickeys, they are often caused on the neck while being deep and passionate in love and intense sex, making when your partner sucks deeply on your neck, chest, shoulder, thighs etc to make you feel joyous and pleasured a reddish purple bruise mark appears after few minutes and this happens as the tiny blood vessels under your skin breaks, a hickey can last for 2 days to two weeks.

It’s fine to give a hickey to your partner unless the person getting it feels it comfortable and appropriate; love bites may appear in various sizes and colours depending on the length of the time and how passionately the skin is sucked sometimes, hickey may be painful as the area might feel little sore and you may experience with swelling also its a remark of passion and a way of marking territory for a loved one it is a passionate reminder of love for one another hickeys are sexual marks and people always assumes this that you had an extra passionate night with your partner.

Hickeys sometimes are a great source of embarrassment if you don’t notice it and appear at a public place or among your friends.

A hickey is a dark red or purple bruise on your skin that appears after intense suction and they fade away in about 2 weeks. The neck is the most common site for hickeys as it’s visible and easy access , moreover, you can get a hickey anywhere. Lips are the most sensitive parts of a body and hickeys are placed on the most erotic zones of the body like chest, in a thighs or neck while placing hickey love hormone establishes a special connection between the two people by developing a feeling of positivity,  it also give rise to dopamine which is responsible for craving and desire, serotonin also spikes during kissing that leads to obsessive thought about a partner but remember love is the most primary reason for a hickey sometimes a passionate kiss remind you about the pleasure and happiness you felt in that moment.

It’s easy to get carried away in that moment but consent and communication is still important while sucking on your partner’s skin. It is necessary that you have the consent of your partner, be gentle as everyone cannot tolerate that sensation for a long period of time so it is necessary that you ask your partner if they feel it is fine, make them feel comfortable that you are fostering an environment where your partner can stop you anytime. In this blog, we will discuss points on how long a hickey lasts and how to get rid of hickeys in natural and immediate ways.

how to get rid of hickeys

How long does hickey last?

To save yourself from embarrassment try to prevent yourself from hickey but if  still you get one on a noticeable area you must know how to get rid of hickeys, they usually lasts for three to five days they tend to appear in different size although their shape and the duration determines how long they will last it also depends on the severity of the damage done to the capillaries as well as the individual  but If a hickey is left untreated, it may last for roughly one to two weeks.

Does a hickey have health risks?

Hickeys usually do not pose any health hazard there can be bearable pain or irritation on the affected area moreover, pain experienced is to be a part of the sexual arousal associated with receiving a hickey. Any pain, swelling or sensation caused by hickey is treatable but it’s necessary that you treat the soreness

How to get rid of hickeys?

Below here are listed some tips that helps you learn how to get rid of hickeys:

1. Ice packs

It’s one of the best ways if you are searching for how to get rid of love bites. Ice packs are a great source to overcome love marks and to save you from embarrassment. Ice packs are a savior, you need to collect an ice bag from the freezer and place it on the love bites for 15 to 20 minutes or you can apply a cold spoon on it as soon as possible. You can also wrap ice in a cloth and keep it on the affected area for a good 15-20 minutes. By taking it and putting the ice pack back on the bite in regular intervals, will reduce the swelling as well as it will reduce the mark and the pain. You can also use a cold spoon, deep freeze it for a few minutes and press the back portion of the spoon on the bites. While using a spoon apply a little extra pressure for quick results.

How to get rid of hickeys

2. Aloe vera

One of the easiest ways to get rid of a love bite is applying aloe vera gel. You can freeze aloe vera gel in an ice-tray and apply it on the concerned area. It will help to reduce swelling and redness. Apply it regularly for 2-3 days to get rid of the love bite completely. It’s a natural healer. The cooling properties of aloe vera will reduce the pain inflammation and marks quickly.

aloe vera

3. Banana peel

You can use the inside of a banana peel on a hickey bruise must place the peel on a hickey for 2o to thirty minutes the cooling properties of it will help in reducing the bruise marks,the inside of a banana peel is rich with vitamins and nutrients that can help reduce the appearance of a bruise you can repeat this process at least twice per day until your hickey has faded.

banana peel

4. Consume food rich in Vitamin C and K

Consuming a healthy diet is always a good source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin c and k in diet keeps you healthy and dont allow bruises to stay on your skin, you may consume following foods high in vitamin K such as kale, spinach, broccoli, liver, and eggs.Good sources of vitamin C are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. Eat healthy and glow healthy

vitamin c

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a simple way to get rid of hickeys quickly. Pour a few drops of it into a bowl and soak cotton balls in it and rub apple cider vinegar all over the bruise and let it air dry. This will not fade the bruise completely, but it certainly will aid in reducing the bruise. Continue this method several times a day until it fades completely

Apple cider vinegar

6. Use toothpaste

To erase your love bite marks use peppermint-based toothpaste on a hickey, apply it nicely all over and let it dry. Peppermint toothpaste lightens and fades the marks, you can apply it every few hours to get rid of a hickey overnight.


7. Use alcohol

You might have an alcohol bottle in your house or you can ask from a friend who keeps it. Just dip sterile cotton in alcohol and rub it in a circular motion; this will fade away the love bites in a few hours.


8. Brush it softly

It’s an effective method to get rid of love bites. Take a toothbrush and gently scrub it over the hickey scrub it in way that it does not worsen the affected area, applying the brush will improve blood circulation and restore the natural color of skin.

brush on hickey

9. Essential oils

Following natural ways is the best way to learn how to get rid of hickeys. The below listed essential oils are best for hickey treatment at home.

essential oils

10. Lavender essential oil

It helps in healing bruises and eases the pain, due to its superb analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply a few drops of diluted lavender oil on the affected  area and massage gently; remember you must add carrier oil or a lotion in a small portion to avoid any negative impact. This will help in quick healing of the hickey and the disappearance of the mark.

lavender oil

11. Turmeric

Turmeric is popularly known for it cooling properties and several health benefits, turmeric has been used traditionally for treatment of various skin problems  it has anti inflammatory properties,  just mix 5 to 7 drops of turmeric and essential oil and apply it on the affected area leave it for few minutes and repeat the process twice or thrice a day, you will quickly find love bites fading away.


12. Peppermint

It helps in boosting the circulation of blood and it doesn’t allow the blood to accumulate, apply a few drops of peppermint oil 4-5 times a day on the hickey.The cooling properties of peppermint oil helps in reducing the dark marks but remember while applying if you sense tingling on the skin and it gets uncomfortable and you are not able to bear the sensation you may remove it with a damp cloth immediately. Peppermint is used as one of the best alternatives while individuals search for ways how to get rid of hickeys.


13. Rosemary essential oil

It is rich in antioxidants which reduces pain and heals the skin. Mix a few drops of it with a lotion or water and massage on the hickey. Do not apply the oil directly on the skin as it may cause severe irritation. Repeat it 5 times a day to get rid of the love bite quickly.

rosemary oil

14. Arnica essential oil

It is the best natural way to get rid of love bites and the most popular remedy for healing bruises. It restores normal skin tone very quickly. After mixing with a carrier oil, apply arnica oil on your hickey. You can do this twice in a day to see visible results.


15. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus and olive oils have healing properties; they recover the bruises quickly and help to treat hickeys. You need to mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with olive oil  and apply it to the affected area. You can leave it on until it dries. You can follow the same procedure twice or thrice a day.

Eucalyptus oil

16. Comfrey

It is a shrub found in parts of Asia, Europe and North America. It is used to treat bruises as well as pulled-out muscles and ligaments and helps in relieving pain from sprains, fractures and strains.  Comfrey roots and leaves contain Allantoin and other substances helps in new skin cell growth and helps in reducing inflammation and keep the skin healthy. Comfrey-based ointments are used to heal bruises, you can treat bruises with comfrey leaves, lightly ground the leaves and apply it directly on the skin or you can soak a cloth in comfrey liquid and then apply it on the affected area for at least 15 minutes or you can make the ointment  by mixing a small amount of filtered honey with comfrey cold infused oil apply this on love bites the sugar in the honey helps in draining water out of the damages tissues and helps in reducing swelling.


17. Cocoa butter

It is used for a variety of skin treatments. Cocoa butter contains phytocompounds that contain anti-inflammatory and skin-protective properties that help in relieving hickeys. You need organic cocoa butter. Apply it gently on the affected area with your finger and massage it gently, you can repeat this process several times a day for better results. Cocoa butter  is used for smoothing scars, reducing stretch marks and wrinkles. It helps in eliminating or decreasing other marks also on the skin. Cocoa butter may also help with skin elasticity, which may improve appearance.

cocoa butter

18. Pineapple

It contains a type of enzyme called bromelain. It’s been known to reduce pain and soreness when applied to skin, it may help with inflammation and swelling.Using this treatment is as simple as applying a slice of pineapple right to the affected spot. You can do this four or five times a day, but watch for irritation. Pineapple is a very acidic food, and the delicate skin of your neck may become irritated quickly.


Immediate Ways to Get Rid of Love Bites/Hickey

1. Makeup tools

Another effective way to cover the hickey is by using smart makeup tricks. The green-tinted concealer is the best as it negates the red tones of the skin. Apply a foundation that’s a little lighter than your skin tone, directly on the hickey and all around it. The reason is to make it look like an even skin tone and not an attempt to hide the hickey. You can also dust a little translucent powder on it to give an even skin tone.

make up

2. Brush gently

Using a toothbrush is also effective for treating how to get rid of hickeys. Settle for a new toothbrush with soft bristles and start brushing it all over the area. This will boost the blood circulation, causing the marks to fade away but be gentle and easy as applying too much pressure can make it worse.


3. Apply toothpaste

You can apply some toothpaste on love bites. Gently rub a small amount of the toothpaste on it and leave it for a few minutes. It might cause a sensation for a while, but once that stops, you can rinse the paste with water after it dries up or you can use a warm washcloth and gently rub it off.  You can repeat the process again for better results.

toothpaste for hickey

4. Hide it with clothes

You may always not have enough time to try any of these methods then rush to your wardrobe to look for a high necked or a turtle neck shirt. You can use a scarf or a stole also to cover up the ones on your neck. Also leave your hair down as that will also help in hiding the hickey.

hide with clothes

Some More Alternative Methods to Get Rid Of Hickey

After a passionate encounter with your partner, you may feel amazing, stress-free and happy, but love marks on your body, especially your neck, cheek or on back, needs immediate cover. You may not always hide it with your high collar shirts or scarves. You need to learn remedies of how to get rid of love bites quickly.

1. Cold compress

As soon as a bruise occurs from a love bite, you can apply a cold compress directly to the hickey. This will help in slowing down the flow of blood from the broken capillaries moreover it may help reduce the size of the bruise. Pick up some ice from freezer wrap it in a cloth and apply it on the bruises for ten minutes

Place a spoon in a freezer or fridge for 30 minutes. Then, apply it directly to the spot. Leave it for 10 minutes repeat the procedure of cold compress for several times a day for effective results

Cold Compress

2. Warm compress

It’s the most thoughtful way of how to get rid of love bites, but the warm compress is applicable after 48 hours of bruise,  as the  heat increases the blood flow and as the blood flow is increased through heat before the capillaries have healed, this can result in further bruising that’s why it’s necessary to start with a cold compress, Once the burst capillaries have started to heal there will still be some blood left under the skin which will slowly start to disperse and be reabsorbed by the body. Warm compress will increase the blood flow and this will quicken the reabsorption of blood from the area where the hickey has developed and aid in removing the bruise. A hot compress can be applied by placing a warm compress or hot water bottle on the hickey for about ten minutes, removing for the same amount of time and then repeating. If you are not comfortable with a hot water bottle, you can apply a towel soaked in hot (not boiling) water.

warm compress

3. Apply a gentle massage

In order to know how to get rid of hickeys and treat hickey bruise marks, massaging the area is good as it boosts blood circulation and disperses the clotted blood under the skin’s surface through increased circulation. Massage can be applied by a heating pad or warm towel to the affected area when the area is warm, press two fingers and massage the area firmly. Rub your fingers in a circular motion starting from the inside of the hickey outwards, this allows to break the accumulated blood and push it into the surrounding tissues. You can repeat the process several times a day.

You must remember this:

So now that you know all possible alternatives of how to get rid of hickeys, it’s also crucial to know it’s effects. The usual effects of a hickey are common; they usually go away in two weeks and are not dangerous. However, if you notice any of the below-mentioned issues you must visit your doctor

  • If a hickey that continues for more than two weeks and has a bump and itches.
  • The unexpected development of additional bruises on the body in locations other than the hickey.
  • Facial muscles that have weakened or paralyzed suddenly

They might indicate a serious condition, like a blood disorder or clotting issue.The brain, neck, and face are all supplied with blood by carotid arteries. Trauma to the carotid artery has the potential to form a blood clot or disperse an existing clot. Avoid giving hickeys to the jawbone on either side to be safe.


In a moment of intense passion, you and your partner got carried away but when you woke up you found a  round, purple-red bruise on your neck well here is where you get worried as hickeys don’t go away at once; it takes time to fade away, no matter how hard you try. Above mentioned tips and methods will help speed up the healing process by a day or two, but surety is not guaranteed. There’s always a chance that some of these techniques may not have any effect at all for you. You must keep your bruises covered in the meantime they are getting treated,  it may mean two weeks of hiding, wearing clothes or accessories that could hide the marks they really get healed and the marks fades up. You must be patience while treating love bites as you can’t heal a hickey overnight. There definitely are some steps to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and minimize the purple mark left on your neck.

Debalina Sengupta is a passionate content writer with a love for crafting engaging and informative narratives. With an SEO and content management background, she has developed her skills to deliver written content across various domains. She likes to explore all niches, Whether for creating captivating blog posts, compelling articles, or persuasive copy. With creative hobbies like painting, sketching, and writing personal blogs, she found her way into content writing. Debalina is currently working in a renowned Digital marketing agency based in Delhi.

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