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HomeHealthHow To Stop Burning Sensation After Urinating

How To Stop Burning Sensation After Urinating

The burning sensation after urination is really very irritating and annoying. Even one can feel discomfort. Sometimes, it’s a frequent miserable pain a woman undergoes; the burning or painful sensation when urinating is called dysuria. This symptom is a telltale of a urinary tract infection, and it’s a very common health issue that most women are familiar with; more than 40 to 50% of women are affected with a burning sensation after urination, unlike women men, also feel inconvenienced with the same issue. 

After urination, you feel inflammation, pain, discomfort, and a tingling sensation. However, you have commonly noticed urine to be warm, but when there is an issue, it’s not warm ordinarily but hotter or warmer than usual. It’s an indication that something is wrong the burning sensation is an indication of infection in your urinary tract.

A burning sensation after urinating is not normal. You must consider it as an alarm for your health. Your body is indicating to take care of your health. You may also notice other symptoms although it’s not a big issue but don’t leave it untreatable. You must learn how to stop the burning sensation after urination.

Learn reasons why it hurts to pee

Understanding the Causes of Painful Urination

Here are five of the most common reasons why you might be experiencing this painful symptom.

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 

Infections found in the urinary system include kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureter the infection largely occurs in the lower urinary system, that is, urethra and bladder, it occurs more in women than in comparison to men. You may feel an urgent need to pee, sudden urgency to pee, discomfort, and pain in the lower tummy. You may also feel tired and unwell all the time in the urinary system. Reach your doctor for immediate help when you have a UTI and a burning sensation after urination as the lining of the bladder becomes red and irritated. If the UTI spreads to the kidney, the infection may cause chill, sweats, and back pain; if left untreated, it may make you sick and unwell.

Burning Sensation After Urinating

2. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

STIs are common infections that occur after sexual activity. The infection may occur on your mouth, anus, vagina or penis.  STI is also known as STD, i.e., sexually transmitted disease. The most common infection is burning after urination, itching, or vaginal discharge. You may catch infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonas. 

Some infections are asymptomatic, but if you notice any symptoms, then they will appear like swelling or severe eating near your penis or vagina bump source or birds near your penis of vagina, mouth, or anus. You may have vaginal discharge that has a bad odor, painful sex, painful urination, or frequent urination burning after urination. Sexually transmitted infections develop through your body fluids like saliva, semen, and urine. It transmits during sex while having vaginal, oral, or anal sex

3. Bladder or Urethra Inflammation

Feeling inflammation in the urethra occurs due to infection by bacteria, basically through sexual contact. Bacterial cystitis causes bladder inflammation when the bacteria outside the body enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply; this causes bladder inflammation. 

Sometimes, the symptoms are mild to severe bacterial cystitis may cause bladder information due to several other complications of various diseases such as diabetes, kidney stones, and large prostate or spinal cord injury. If you feel chronic pain or swelling in your urethra or bladder, then you must reach for the help of a urologist. Several treatments are available to get rid of urethra and bladder inflammation.

Bladder or Urethra Inflammation

4. Vaginal Infection

When there is an infection in the vagina, it hurts badly after peeing.

The yeast infection in the vagina may cause a burning sensation; it is also known as candidiasis. Bacterial vaginosis is also a condition that occurs when there are certain bacteria in the vagina which disturb the normal balance of your vagina Seeking proper treatment by a doctor is advised before the condition worsens.

5. Prostate Infection

This may happen to men of all ages if your prostate is infected, you may feel a burning sensation after passing urine, and you may have pelvic pain in and around the prostate seek medical care from your doctor immediately without any delay.  

Quick Remedies for Immediate Relief From Burning Sensation After Urinating

You can try some natural remedies to get rid of the burning sensation after urinating

1. Consuming Horseradish

It’s mainly used for medicinal purposes; it’s a root vegetable known for its pungent taste and smell. The horseradish root has magical properties. It contains compounds that provide a variety of health benefits. It has anti-cancer anti-bacterial effects and also improves respiratory health.

Horseradish fights bacteria in the urinary tract. Many people use it to get rid of the burning sensation after urination. The powerful antibacterial properties kill bacterial cells by damaging their cell walls.

You can consume horseradish thrice a day with milk or water. This will help minimize the painful urination. People have been using horseradish roots since the ancient period, and it’s an excellent choice to get rid of the infection.

Consuming Horseradish

2. Use fenugreek seeds

It is the best remedy for how to stop the burning sensation after urination. Fenugreek is easily available in your kitchen; it is used in food as a spice to give flavor. It is the oldest medicinally used plant with roots in traditional Indian Medicine. Fenugreek helps fight cancer, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, inflammation, and bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

Fenugreek seeds help to improve the pH level in the vagina and prevent infections; it treats painful urination. Consuming fenugreek seeds doesn’t allow toxins to deposit in the body. Fenugreek seeds can be consumed in numerous ways to stop the burning sensation after urination. Take the powdered fenugreek seeds in a teaspoon and mix it well in a glass of buttermilk. Drink it twice a day for better results. You can mix a teaspoon of fenugreek seed with a teaspoon of raw honey and consume it to stop the burning sensation after urination. 

How To Stop Burning Sensation After Urinating

3. Eat cucumbers

It’s a highly nutritious fruit with hydrating power. It’s rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help treat and prevent some conditions.

They are well composed with 96% water, which may increase hydration and help you meet daily fluid requirements. Cucumbers can be eaten raw and fresh. It’s a low-calorie snack. It contains properties ideal for stopping the burning sensation after urination.

Consuming cucumbers on a regular basis aids in toxin removal and regulation of body temperature. To control the burning sensation after urination, you must try cucumber juice. Take one cup of cucumber juice and add one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Mix it well, and it’s ready to consume. You can drink this juice twice a day to improve your urinary health. 


Cucumber is an easily available fruit. You can include it in your everyday diet; eat 2 to 3 cucumbers every day. Just peel them, cut them, sprinkle some salt, drizzle some lemon over them, and eat them; you will like the taste and crave more, but remember, moderation is the key to excel.

Below are some other natural tips to follow to avoid a burning sensation after urination:

  • Follow your personal hygiene care
  • Do not repeat your undergarments 
  • Do not wear wet or moist undergarments and clothes 
  • Try to change your panties frequently, maybe every three months, to avoid infections
  • Wash your vagina with vaginal wash care product to maintain cleanliness and avoid infections
  • Do not eat street food too much. Prefer home-cooked food
  • Rely more on fruits and vegetables and skip oily and spicy food.
  • Try to Drink coconut water more often
  • consume warm  lemon juice every day on an empty stomach for natural detoxification

How to Stop Burning Sensation After Urinating

The human body is reactive to even a small itch, so when you feel a burning sensation after urination, you definitely want to get rid of it at once, but for this, you need to get diagnosed and analyzed by your medical health care provider, this will help you understand to know the cause of burning sensation after peeing.  

It may take a day or two to get diagnosed. Till then, you can get relief from pain by following tips to heal How to stop burning sensation after urinating.

  • Applying a warm compress is the best remedy for immediate relief of the burning sensation. apply warm pads on the lower abdominal area. It helps to minimize the pressure in your bladder and reduces pain.
  • Drink lemon juice, and it is rich in vitamin C, which helps in relieving painful urination lemon juice is acetic and has an alkaline effect on the body the citric acid present in lemon has antiviral, antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial infection and increases the lemon in a glass of water at one teaspoon of honey mix well and consume it without food every morning this will help in reducing burning sensation after urination.
  • You can also opt for apple cider vinegar, which contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in fighting infection this also reduces painful urination; apple cider vinegar contains enzymes, potassium, and helpful minerals that restore the pH balance of your body. Add one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water consume this solution twice a day for better results.
  • Baking soda is a wonderful product, easily available in your kitchen using baking soda relieves a burning sensation after urination the alkaline compound reduces the acidity of the urine and the burning sensation. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water, mix it well until it dissolves properly, and drink it on an empty stomach. 
  • Consume coconut water, and it is the most useful remedy to eradicate the burning sensation when urinating it contains electrolytes, which are helpful for your body’s fluid and maintaining the proper balance
  • Natural yogurt is an effective remedy to pull up also easily available in your kitchen. Using yogurt with active cultures keeps harmful bacteria away and improves the growth of healthy bacteria. It helps in fighting infection. Consume two to three cups of natural yogurt every day.

sensation after pee

Natural Tips For Burning Sensation After Urinating

Learn how to stop burning sensation after urinating with some natural tips that are useful in reducing the burning sensation:

1. Keep yourself hydrated with plenty of fluids

Water is a vital requirement of the body for its smooth functioning. You must stay hydrated to avoid any infection or sickness. If you do not drink enough water, then you are prone to urinary tract infections. On the contrary, keeping proper water intake reduces urinary tract infection and burning sensation after urination. 

Water maintains the proper balance of nutrients and electrolytes in the body and extracts toxic waste from the body efficiently. Proper and regular intake of water easily dilutes the urine and excretes it out quickly from the body and also does not allow bacteria to affect the lining of urinary organs. You must drink at least 5 to 6 glasses of water every day. You can also drink other fluids like juices and coconut water to maintain hydration.

drinking water

2. Consuming cranberries more often

Cranberry is a red color fruit known for its amazing health benefits. One benefit is to prevent a burning sensation after urination and urinary tract infections. Since ancient times, cranberry juice has helped people reduce the symptoms of infection.

Cranberry juice contains nutrients that make it difficult for the Escherichia coli bacteria to attach to cells in the urinary system, clears away the infection, and regulates speedy recovery.

As you know, cranberry is a healthy juice; it contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that don’t allow bacteria to grow. It also has antioxidants that help in powering your immune system. Cranberry juice consumption regularly stops the burning sensation after urination. 


3. Practice sexual hygiene

Hot, passionate sex drives you crazy and romantic, but you must know sexual hygiene. As unhygienic sexual intercourse, our contact may make passage for some bacteria and other microbes into your urinary system, especially the urethra. You may sense a painful burning sensation after passing urine; you develop frequent urges to pee and uncontrollable itch in your private parts.

To protect yourself from these consequences, follow below the tips on sexual hygiene.

Keep your private parts clean; wash them regularly with water and soap products that help you clean your private parts.

  • Try to urinate immediately before and after having sexual intercourse
  • Don’t avoid using a condom 
  • Wash your private parts, that is, vagina or penis, after sexual intercourse.

healthy sex

4. Increase vitamin C intake

It’s an essential vitamin for the body that has several health benefits. There are studies that prove how to stop burning sensation after urinating and increase your vitamin C intake in the form of juice, fruits, or vegetables as it cleans your urinary system and fights against any bacteria, infections, and symptoms related to them. Vitamin C increases the acidity that is present in urine. It really affects the growth of bacteria inside the bladder.

vitamin c

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system. Red peppers, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwifruit are all great sources of vitamin C.

When you have an infection and don’t know how to stop burning sensation after urinating, follow the above-mentioned home remedies and tips to get some relief; if you still do not find any benefit, then reach out immediately to your doctor for medical care and treatment.

Debalina Sengupta is a passionate content writer with a love for crafting engaging and informative narratives. With an SEO and content management background, she has developed her skills to deliver written content across various domains. She likes to explore all niches, Whether for creating captivating blog posts, compelling articles, or persuasive copy. With creative hobbies like painting, sketching, and writing personal blogs, she found her way into content writing. Debalina is currently working in a renowned Digital marketing agency based in Delhi.

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