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Summa Cum Laude vs. Magna Cum Laude – What does it mean?

What Does Cum Laude Mean?

In American English it means with praise, a praise that signifies above average academic excellence at the time of receiving your degree.

In British language Cum Laude means with praise it is the third lowest designation for scoring above average achievements in examination.

Cum Lude also means with honor which is used as a remark for your performance. It’s a third degree for honors but as the result or grades fall in the category  of honors  the designation changes.

To represent an academic level of achievement, several institutions imparting education  use the phrase to indicate that an academic degree is awarded with honorable excellence in the academic field. Students applying for jobs never fail to mention this Latin phrase in their profile as it is a mark of distinction  to illustrate their success in their higher education.

Cum laude has three common designations recognized in the United States. In American Universities these kinds of honors are very common  and can be found at schools of varying levels. The grade point factor is the common criteria to achieve this designation and also much dependent on the school policy.

It’s not very common in other parts of the world as commonly it is used  in the United States.

Cum laude is one amongst the three  Latin honors that educational institutions  use to bestow academic degrees. The phrase is in latin, for ‘with distinction’,

with honor or with praise. There are several educational institutions free to set the bar for the honors; they have different criteria  that must be met for each honor. Students must seek  specific grades or points for which the cum laude student can never apply or campaign for this Latin honor.

Cum Laude is a distinguished level of academic achievement. There are certain guidelines outlined by each university or college typically and each level of academic honor differs at academic institutions.

You need to earn the latin praise designation. It’s not a piece of cake that is divided equally among all as there is no universal set of guidelines that defines exactly what it takes to earn a Latin honor, the rules vary differently from school to school. Sometimes, the award is automatically conferred based on class rank or cumulative grade point average, but it might also be something that students have to apply for in advance of graduation. At some schools, those who are interested in graduating “with praise” or higher distinction have to complete a special honors track, take honors exams, or participate in exclusive, usually more difficult seminars or classes.

There is also very little guidance when it comes to whether a school will offer Latin honors at all. Most undergraduate institutions do, but there is usually no reason that they have to. Some graduate schools, particularly law and medical programs, also have the honors as a sort of built-in ranking system. It is rare to find the awards at the high school level, but it can happen. Students who are interested in learning about graduation honors at their school should talk with faculty members or other academic leaders to get clarification and guidance.

Institutions may also require students to get letters of recommendation from faculty members, advisers, or peers in order to qualify. Community service and extracurricular activities may also factor in, and it is not unheard of for students to write reflective essays or petitions as to why they are particularly well-suited for honors. In these cases, a panel or board of faculty and administrators usually meets to determine who will graduate with honors and at what rank.

Graduating students are eligible for Cum Laude designation on diplomas and transcripts if their complete academic records show at least 54 calculable credits at the University and meet 3.0 total GPA and class rank in the 75th percentile or above in the students school or college he or she is eligible for Cum Laude Latin honor.

There is a self drafted format for achieving  cum laude honor  which may include GPA i.e Grade Point Average , Class Ranking, Number of credit hours and other academic achievements.

Students who receive  the honor of Cum Laude are typically recognised during graduation ceremony and the designation appears on the student’s diploma, students who graduated with special praises  are allowed to wear some special symbols like a specific sash or tassel on the mortarboard.

There are Some universities that  present Latin honors at certain GPA levels. Typically, a GPA of 3.5 or higher is required to receive A Latin Honor saying Cum LAude on your degree shows that you were different  and you have achieved it distinctively. It’s an important achievement that should be brought on your resume as well. You can mention it in your resume  to draw attention  regarding your  educational achievements.

You must know how to italicize the Latin Honor in your resume; it must always be written in lowercase.

One may surely feel proud in listing your achievements but you must present them in your resume in a simple manner so that it doesn’t appear redundant or exhibits a showoff parade but there are Universities that recommend including subsections for every honors and activities you have achieved. In the honors section, you should list your Latin honors or other notable achievements. In a presentable manner, your hardwork and passion are your armor, let them be in you to keep you motivated.

While you may be proud of your achievements, you must not display many of them, your honors and activities sections should include somewhere between three to five entries. Otherwise your latin honor will remain unnoticed.

Including your Gpa or not is completely your choice as well  if you have received Latin honors, it means your Gpa is impressive but when the latin honor is mentioned with different honors then you must  mention GPA in your resume. If a prospective employer specifically asks for your GPA to be included, especially in cases when you are applying for entry-level positions, make sure you do so. This should be shown in parenthesis beside your honors.

Summa cum laude is the highest distinction or holding a University degree achieved with highest  distinction. It’s a title used to honor the achievers mostly used by educational InstitutionsSignify greatest distinction of three Latin honors it is commonly used for praising academic honors in United States and expressed in Latin very few countries follow the Latin Honors in their educational institutions the guidelines to achieve this title is different from institution to Institution

What Does Summa Cum Laude Mean?

Summa Cum Laude, a Latin phrase commonly used in academic settings, means “with the highest distinction” or “with highest praise.” Summa Cum Laude indicates that an individual has achieved exceptional academic performance, typically associated with obtaining the highest grade point average (GPA) in their graduating class. This prestigious distinction is awarded to acknowledge the student’s outstanding level of dedication, effort, and intellectual ability. In summary, Summa Cum Laude means that it is a significant honor bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated excellence in their academic pursuits, representing the pinnacle of academic achievement and scholarly accomplishment.

Summa cum laude is a greater honor than magna cum laude or cum laude.

Summa cum laude includes some levels with impressive grade point average, class rank, hours and special projects completed, and recommendations from an academic department.

Different Institutions Have Different Procedure For Summa Cum Laude

A student is awarded with Summa cum laude at the end of the year after completing its degree program only selective student are awarded with the latin honors student who were all rounder and achieved  class ranks, outstanding GPA, performed well in special projects, he or she is excellent in Academics and physical activities such as sports.

Students who get the title of Summa cum laude honor feels proud of it, a feeling of one step ahead in the career road they may proudly mention in their resume for special preference.

Students who are to be awarded with the title may wear stoles or sashes during the commencement of the ceremony  and the honor is announced with the students name.

The criteria for latin honors differs from one institution to the other institution, it may include the procedure of grade point average (GPA), students name , number of hours completed, class rank  and honors designations from an academic department.

It’s not compulsory to designate the excellent students with latin honors; there are several higher education institutions that do not outline any criteria for the Latin Honors; they do have separate honorary programs and titles for the students who have achieved distinctions; college and universities draft their own expectation for each program.

There can be GPA-Based assessment to determine summa cum laude graduate, as per the University of New Mexico, for instance, students  need to complete 60 credit hours toward graduation in addition to a GPA of 3.90 or higher. Different Universities have different criteria, Denver University  requires students to have a 3.95 GPA and have completed 90 quarter hours; they must also submit a senior thesis or complete a senior project. (If they have less than 90 hours, they must receive a departmental recommendation as  summa cum laude is typically the highest distinction of the three traditional Latin honors, only a handful of students will receive the summa cum laude designation upon graduating.

There is no fixed quota for the number of individuals for  summa cum laude honors; the number can vary yearly; there is no set limit for the number of students graduating who could get summa cum laude honors; to get the honorary title they must meet the guidelines and required GPA.

Summa Cum Laude GPA Requirement

The Grade Point Average for summa cum laude honors is generally accepted at 4.0 but this may vary school to school as there is no allocation of Fixed regulations for latin honors among various Institutions. Many departments offer specialized summa cum laude  distinctions while others only look at the GPA whereas several schools and universities include GPA and other factors such as special project, class rank performance in the academic and sports activities. Well the program of Summa Cum Laude is just not about evaluating your marks but also allowing the students to excel in the various areas well rounded  education program is best for the overall development and beterement of the society. Every student has a field of specialization that’s why many departament offer departmental Summa cum laude distinctions.

Students who wish to attain the title of Summa cum laude  begin preparing  the summer before  the first trimester of college begins. The  preparation begins  so early  in your college program that there is no room for mistake  to qualify for the required GPA  and cumulative summa cum laude distinction. There are other options also that helps seeking the honorary distinction title such as:

Bridge program helps set the platform, the programs are for the upper level students in High School who are looking forward to entering the first year of college it is also known as transitional programs for students who typically hold two years college degree and seek to obtain a four-year or graduate degree.

The programs help students to prepare for the next knowledge of level, they ]also help in well prepration or certification process, they as a student’s and gaining classroom for workplace experience it also allows students to adapt any academic challenges they may face, programs are essential for those who are looking to advance their careers quickly. Bridge programs help you to meet the intentions of excelling.  Students must develop their skills, one must focus on the tight timings and schedules. You must sign up for extra curricular activities, clubs and sports activities  as it is the best way to manage your time and keeps you motivated for your goal.

Magna Cum Laude Meaning

It means holding a university degree with great distinction. Magna Cum Laude is an academic honor of distinction  that is typically awarded to students  who graduated in the top 10% or 15% of their  class; it is the second  highest  honor.

Although GPA-based requirements for Latin honors are the most common throughout higher education institutions in the U.S., there are other factors that may be included as well. One of these is class rank; some institutions reserve the summa cum laude title for students graduating at the highest levels of their class. In this case, GPA is a factor in determining whether a student receives this honor at graduation, but that student does not necessarily need to obtain a particular GPA in order to make that achievement.

In other cases, Latin honors are dependent upon students’ performance in particular classes, often either honors classes or those relevant to their major area of study.

Students at the University of Notre Dame, for instance, earn Latin honors within the college that oversees the student’s major. Graduates must finish in the top 5% of the class in order to receive the summa cum laude distinction. Because class rank changes based on the performance of other students, the GPA changes each academic year. In 2019, students in the College of Arts & Letters at Notre Dame needed a 3.94 GPA to earn summa cum laude honors. In contrast, in 2009, students needed a 3.927 GPA to earn those honor.

Magna cum laude, this  Latin phrase means “with great praise” or “with great honor” and it is awarded to students when they graduate with academic excellence. It is the second Latin honor awarded to deserving graduates.

You are well aware of the fact that  there are no universal standard regulations  for the Magna cum laude method of assessing  who should receive honors and who should not completely depend on the student performance, However, different schools have different methods of determining the qualifications for magna cum laude status.

One Must Acknowledge The Below Listed Key Facts About Magna Cum Laude

  • It’s an academic honor awarded to students who have achieved academic excellence and performed well in all the semesters, projects and class hours.
  • Schools set their own  standards to qualify for this honor, each institution is free to draft and amend its regulations. They follow their own procedure to to select the pro students for Magna cum laude
  • The custom of awarding Latin honors was discovered at Harvard in the mid-19th century and followed by several other colleges and universities around the world.
  • There are universities and colleges, including Stanford University, that do not offer Latin honors for those who are excellent; they instead use the word ‘distinction’.

Latin honors have three stages the first stage  is cum laude, which means “with praise” or “with honor,” and the average GPA to qualify is 3.5 to 3.74 second stage is “magna cum laude” , with an average GPA of 3.75 to 3.99 and finally the third stage is summa cum laude the most prestigious one, with highest praise and with GPA of 4.0 necessary for the students to stand in the row of summa cum laude.

The magna cum laude honor is awarded at graduation alongside other honors and awards. Students wear a special gown or cord for reflection of their achievements and distinction.

There are school and college that do not apply GPA method to assess the ability and eligibility of the students  for the magna cum laude title  they may choose other process such as students rank in the graduating class his or performance from the day of admission, achievements in volunteer work, leadership positions, organizational roles, event planning, and social involvement.

Magna cum laude honors helps you efficiently as schools or academic officers  also look at your academic excellence or distinctions during your admission times to know about your educational background.

Magna cum laude and other academic distinctions such as scholarships, certificates and  awards may make your admission grounds easy  to get into a good educational institution. Students must remain focussed for the magna cum laude program if you are planning for graduate school or looking forward to career advancement education as colleges and universities definitely look u[pon your schooling performance.

The employers or recruiters while hiring experts may look closely at your resume to know about your special facts as latin honors lays a good impression for getting a good job.

Even schools or academic officers  also look at your academic excellence or distinctions during your admission times to know about your educational background.

For funding also your academic performance will be  speculated to  know if it is safe to risk to lend money your eligibility for the grants. If you are applying for a higher education  program the officer will go through your application and your past abilities as a student   to determine if you are an ideal candidate. If you apply for graduate programs where securing funding is part of the process, having the distinction of magna cum laude is a good sign that you might be accepted with full funding.

The average magna cum laude GPA requirement ranges from 3.75 to 3.99. However, different schools have different methods of determining the qualifications for magna cum laude status.

Magna cum laude is generally handed out to a student who earned high grades or some other mark of academic achievement, but not the highest possible. The criteria for receiving this honor varies and may include the student’s GPA, class rank, number of hours completed, and recommendations from an academic department.

Colleges may consider other non-GPA factors in their decisions to grant magna cum laude status. An institution might require that students complete an honors thesis to be eligible. Others seek letters of recommendation from faculty members, attesting to students’ exceptional academic performance. Others stipulate that students must complete a certain number of advanced courses.

Which Is Higher—Summa or Magna?

Summa cum laude is the highest honor available and is more prestigious than magna cum laude. For example, at New York University, summa cum laude is awarded to the top 5% of graduates, while the next 10% are given magna cum laude status.

Latin honors are most commonly awarded in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree. Students who graduate with honors may wear stoles of a distinct color or some other designation during commencement ceremonies, and their honors may be cited when their names are read. Latin honors are generally included in a student’s official transcript.

Latin honors and grades, upgrades  your profile and educational background, it bridges the gap  between the employer and the employee. A strong educational layout shows that the person is disciplined, has a strong work ethic and intelligence which an employer values and always keeps it in mind while hiring for the expertise.

Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg
An experienced, versatile content writer and a mother who is passionate for writing about everything from health to food, to fitness, to beauty and beyond.

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